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Alicorn humanization

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Owlowiscious (mlp) mlp Art & Music ...my little pony фэндомы 

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Owlowiscious (mlp),Совелий,mlp Art & Music

mlp милитаризм mlp OC продолжение в комментах Littlepip Calamity Blackjack (mlp) Homage Velvet Remedy Morning Glory p-21 ...my little pony фэндомы fallout equestria Boo (FOE) Psychoshy Scotch Tape Lacunae Xenith Rampage (FOE) Steelhooves 

LiTTLEPiP o in Stable 2. She worked as an apprentice PipBuck technician before she broke out of the Stable in search of Velvet Remedy. Littlepip is a smart unicorn, prone to wit. She is often able to formulate effective plans, for both herself and her team. She is very kind-hearted and has a

mlp art Twilight Sparkle mane 6 mlp крипота ...my little pony фэндомы 

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp art,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,mlp крипота

Wild Fire minor mlp OC mlp art Bobthedalek MandoPony ...my little pony фэндомы 

Арт приурочен к помолвке Сибси и Мандопони. Станет ли это каноном в сериале? Ы.
"Кажется нужно кольцо побольше...".


~9N13 339919 ü 033N 309 3NIHX I,Wild Fire,minor,второстепенные персонажи,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp OC ,mlp art,Bobthedalek,MandoPony

mlp фанфик продолжение в комментариях rpwp Princess Luna royal Twilight Sparkle mane 6 ...my little pony фэндомы 

Итоги Пони-экспромта №2: “За тысячу лет Эквестрия изменилась. Твайлайт помогает принцессе Луне освоиться с изменениями и своей ролью в жизни Эквестрии.”

Пони-экспромт это антиконкурс по написанию коротких рассказов о пони за час на заданную тему. Темы выдаются по средам и субботам, в 10:00 по московскому времени. Принять участие может любой желающий. Это как бы вызов «эй, парень, а сможешь за час написать короткий рассказик про Луну и Дёрпи?» «хм, а ну-ка я попробую». К публикации принимаются только рассказы для любой аудитории (Safe For Woona).

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фэндомы,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,mlp фанфик,продолжение в комментариях,rpwp,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6

Princess Celestia royal mlp art mlp хуманизация mlp cynical ...my little pony фэндомы 

-Чувак, впусти меня, я принцесса! Ты что, не веришь в принцесс?
Princess Celestia,Принцесса Селестия,royal,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp art,mlp хуманизация,mlp cynical

ХЕШТЕГ ВЕРНИТЕЧАПАЯ личное ...my little pony фэндомы 

Да ладно вам, чуваки! Всё равно никто из вас меня не любил. Быть девственником забаненым на понякторе кармадрочерами, какой стыд,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,ХЕШТЕГ ВЕРНИТЕЧАПАЯ,личное

Kkat art красивые картинки mlp other ...my little pony фэндомы 

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other

art by NCMares

Years ago, bronies held themselves up as something special and unique amongst fandoms: a group of love, tolerance and charity as well as exceptional creativity. It was easy to claim exceptionalism when we were small and more tightly knit.

But bronies have always been inclusive, not exclusive. We are a welcoming fandom. And an energetic one. As we spread word of how wonderful this show is to the far reaches of the internet, people took notice. And while many reacted to what was new and different with hatred or fear, people joined the herd in droves. 

Now we are huge, large enough and diverse enough to put lie to the stereotypes, including the good ones that we had created for ourselves. Bronies have become legion... and in doing so, we have become a fandom like any other.

But we don't have to be.

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other

art by AssasinMonkey

Not long ago, I engaged in the single least productive activity of the modern age: arguing on the internet. Specifically, attempting to crack the blinders of prejudice worn by a self-proclaimed "furry" who was ranting about bronies. As expected, the discussion was a small waste of time. But here is a portion of it that I think is worth repeating:

I will let you in on the secret: people are people. Furries are just people who really enjoy anthropomorphic animals. Pony fans are just people who really like the human-like technicolor ponies of a specific show. That is all. The extent to which any furry or brony enjoys what they do, and how they act on that enjoyment, is individualized. You do not need special brain chemistry or a particular background or a specific social disposition to be a furry. And you do not need one to be a brony. Or a fan of Star Wars, or Star Trek, or anything else... [They] are a fandom. Made of people. Just like every other fandom. And in any fandom, you will find good people and bad people, superfans and the passively interested, perverts and prudes. Furries are not inherently superior people to bronies, and bronies are not inherently superior people to furries. No more than Trekkies are to Whoovians, or football fans are to hockey fans, or people who like classical music are to people who like J-pop. At the absolute most, you can try to claim superior taste in one tiny and extremely subjective facet of the grand category of "things people like". Woohoo, you rock.

But this is the important part: we do not have to be just like any other fandom. 

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic offers more to love than just cute, colorful ponies. Most of us, I would hazard to wager, didn't fall in love with the show for the ponies as art -- we fell in love with the characters, with what they did and how they behaved, with the idyllic-but-not-sugary-perfect the world of Equestria, and with the heartwarming messages of virtue and friendship at the emotional and philosophical core of the show. An if we are fans of that, then we are fans of something with more depth and meaning than just an artistic concept or musical style or type of sports. 

We can be something very special and unique by lauding those messages of friendship and virtue, and trying to adhere to them as best we can. We can treat "love and tolerance" as calling again, rather than just a 4-chan meme whose time has passed. We can strive to be better people. 

And if we do, we can be something truly beautiful -- we can be the realization of what the early brony fandom held itself to bo. We will do so as individuals. Points of brilliant light in the gloom. In general, the rest of the fandom will not follow -- it is too large, and many will never be interested beyond "I like cartoon ponies." But that isn't why we strive to shine. We should do so because it makes us better, and we want to be better than we are. Because we are inspired to do it. And for those in the darkness who are looking for a light.

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other

We are large and growing, but we have lost many as well. We have all seen people leave the fandom because "it isn't what it used to be." The most surprising element of this is that so many of them were surprised. They saw their fandom grow, change and evolve... and apparently they hadn't expected that. Instead of remaining in the fandom and being examples of what they believed it should be, they abandoned it and moved on. Perhaps I can fault them for that, but only just a little. And I certainly cannot fault those who left simply because their interests changed, as interests often do. Plus, we have seen many whose contributions to the fandom launched new careers, and who have gone off to follow these dreams professionally. To them, we raise our glasses, thank them, and wish them well.

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other


Equestria girls ...my little pony 

Думаю, все уже в курсе, про данный спин-офф. Хочется узнать ваше отношение к этому творению.
Свои варианты кидайте в комменты
my little pony,Мой маленький пони,Equestria girls
Ваше отношение к спин-оффу "Equestria Girls"
Полная чушь, лишь бы опять бабла поднять. Однозначно против.
58 (24.0%)
Пофигу, смотреть не буду.
28 (11.6%)
Может, не все так и плохо - гляну разок что ли, а там как пойдет...
99 (40.9%)
Вау! Здорово! Больше спин-оффов!!!
42 (17.4%)
Свой вариант.
15 (6.2%)

music party hard песочница mlp other minor Vinyl Scratch ...my little pony 

Господа, купил новые колоночки (Колонки Microlab 2.0 PRO3, кому интересно), нужны треки что бы соседи просто ахуевали с басов. Плюсы гарантирую. Всем, все платится. :D
mlp,Музыка,party hard,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,песочница,mlp other,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Vinyl Scratch,Винил Скретч, dj pon3
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