Нужен перевод от автора мира: Some fun facts about the direction ED was heading before I decided to kill the project. Hopefully some will find them interesting or even inspiring.
- Twilight was to finally succeed at alicorn transformation, but it would turn her into a monstrosity (albeit a powerful one) unable to function properly without her life-sustaining throne.
- House Moon and Star would enter a bloody civil war between the two guilds, while Trixie and her inquisition would keep gaining more power and influence over the Archmagister.
- Starswirl the Bearded's ghost would reveal himself to Princess Cadence to be a mesenger and a part of a collective astral being called The Magus.
- the truth behind the Princesses' disappearance was to be partially revealed.
- House Earthborn, encouraged by the recent schism in M&S would try to launch the final, devastating offensive against Canterlot, only to have its armies called back to the Frontier to repell the biggest Changeling invasion Equestria has ever seen.
- After barely winning a bloody war against the Changelling horde, Applejack (with the help of the Spirit of Truth) would then go and create the Ministry of Truth - an oppressive institution tasked with the gargantuan mission of eradicating the very concept of lie from the lives of Earthborn ponies.
- Applejack was to become the first True Earthborn - an earth pony who can cheat death by fusing her/himself with the soil of Equestria.
- Miners of House Whitegold would end up finding a giant gem deep beneath Manehattan, emanating with a tremendous power. Dubbed "The Eye of Equestria", this gem was to be revealed to be something more than just a giant slab of shiny rock. Sometimes, it would would produce this strange humming sound that only Rarity could understand and interpret as a series of names repeated over and over: "The Laughing Mare. The Truthsayer. The Green Mother, The Twelve Champions, The Magus".
- Fluttershy was to launch an expedition to the newly discovered ruins of old Starswirl Laboratory. What she was going to discover there would make her unite the six Tribes of Everfree as well as discover the truth behind the Everfree Liege and a being known as the Green Mother.
- House Stormwing would end up being backstabbed by its griffon "allies" (everyone saw it coming) and in turn be almost completely destroyed, if it weren't for the fact that this betrayal would awaken the Twelve Champions of Pegasopolis.
- The Cult was to establish it's first proper settlement in the dead center of Equestria - Old Ponyville. Covered by a magical dome, this settlement would host a some sort of time-warp-portal to the old, still joyful Equestria, letting anyone willing to worship the Laughing Mare the last chance to experience a life without war and destruction.
Решил продолжить традицию выкладывать подобные посты, посвящённые дням рождениям, но пошел более изощрённым путём. Вы, надеюсь поняли, что у меня за день сегодня. И этот день я решил посвятить активным деятелям тега "mlp Art&Music". (Могу в теги добавить никнеймы других юзеров, если они смогут меня убедить, что они тоже много чего вложили в данный раздел) Я считаю, что музыкоделы своими творениями создают, как правило, позитивный и уютный настрой, разряжающий серую атмосферу, исходящую как от суровой реальности, так и от невзгод, порождающих длительным пребываниям в Интернете. Для новеньких и новоприбывших предлагаю познакомиться с их постами. (К сожалению из меня не очень хороший оратор, ибо прерогативу тоже музыке отдаю.)
Также решил привнести чуть-чуть разнообразия в данном треде. Мне сильно понравилась идея этого довольно старого поста, и предлагаю вот что сделать: выкладывайте в комментариях под данным тредом музыку, которая подчеркивает ВАШУ индивидуальность. Давайте создадим что-то вроде музыкальной библиотеки, отображающий общий дух поняктора. Если вы не знаете, как закидывать музыку в комменты, то оставьте ответ, и я или кто-нибудь другой поможет. И по традиции, всем добра.