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Fire light
»mlp art Princess Luna Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Rarity Princess Celestia Derpy Fluttershy Applejack my little pony фэндомы CMC royal minor mane 6 модераторы допишите нехватающие... Тот самый пони из боулинга Папка Twa MandoPony Mare Do Well colgate Wild Fire Snips Mr. Cake Ms. Harshwhinny Pumpkin Cake Flim Flam brothers Snails Starswirl the Bearded Mrs. Cake Night Light Photo Finish Mane-iac Mayor Mare Cheese Sandwich Aloe больше тегов богу тегов Lotus Cloudchaser Granny Smith Twilight Velvet Babs Seed Braeburn Silver Spoon Diamond Tiara Daring Do Cheerilee Coco Pommel Doctor Whooves Zecora Spitfire Maud Pie Sombra (mlp) Bon Bon Shining Armor Big Mac Princess Cadence Sunset Shimmer Discord (mlp) Lyra Octavia Vinyl Scratch Sweetie Belle Spike Scootaloo Queen Chrysalis Trixie
mlp art Applejack Derpy Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Princess Celestia Princess Luna Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Rarity my little pony фэндомы mane 6 royal minor CMC больше пегасов богу пегасов простановка тегов опасна для жизни owlowiscious Winona Gummy Seabreeze Featherweight Screw Loose Hoity Toity Trenderhoof Suri Polomare Blueblood Sapphire Shores Iron Will Daisy Wild Fire Snips Mr. Cake Ms. Harshwhinny Pumpkin Cake Pipsqueak Pound Cake Flim Flam brothers Snails Bulk Biceps Mrs. Cake Night Light Fleetfoot Mayor Mare Flitter Cheese Sandwich Button Mash Cloudchaser Lightning Dust Red Heart Granny Smith Twilight Velvet Babs Seed Braeburn Silver Spoon Royal guard Berry Punch Blinkie Diamond Tiara Daring Do Cheerilee Coco Pommel Soarin Inkie Roseluck Angel (mlp) Gilda Doctor Whooves Zecora Spitfire Maud Pie King Sombra Shining Armor Big Mac Princess Cadence Sunset Shimmer Discord (mlp) Octavia Vinyl Scratch Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Spike Scootaloo Queen Chrysalis Trixie
mlp art Rarity Rainbow Dash Fluttershy Twilight Sparkle Pinkamena Diane Pie Princess Luna Princess Celestia красивые картинки meme my little pony фэндомы royal mane 6 minor bon bon is not amused looking at each other irrational exuberance wrong neighborhood exploitable meme professionalism nightmare fuel looking at you betty bouffant special eyes ear piercing lined paper waifu thief flower trio sunglasses messy mane berryshine unamused soarin' Mnuette faic wonderbolts uniform teddie safari Doctor Horse fancypants chickadee earring smiling rhyme brad tear flower wishes Silver Shill sibsy Sheriff Silverstar Ms. Peachbottom Sweetie Drops doctor stable ugly jewelry Stellar Eclipse Coriander Cumin stormwalker safe Cloud Kicker Fleur-de-Lis rara Whoa Nelly hat weeds DJ Pon-3 Lotus Blossom Octavia Melody drunk Peachbottom Rumble derp snowflake Donut Joe Cloudkicker Seabreeze Tender Taps Mane Goodall Hondo Flanks Featherweight Friendship is magic Breezie Fancy Pants headphones Hoity Toity Trenderhoof Party Favor Lemon Hearts colgate Lily Twist Sassy Saddles Cherry Jubilee Amethyst Star Sapphire Shores Daisy Troubleshoes Clyde Blossomforth Wild Fire Saffron Masala Snips Lily Valley Night Glider Ms. Harshwhinny Pipsqueak Double Diamond Snails Bulk Biceps Night Light Fleetfoot Mayor Mare Sugar Belle Flitter Cheese Sandwich Thunderlane Aloe Lotus Flash Sentry Tree Hugger Cloudchaser Fleur De Lis nurse Countess Coloratura Lightning Dust nurse redheart Twilight Velvet Minuette Moondancer Silver Spoon Berry Punch Limestone Pie Diamond Tiara Cheerilee Coco Pommel Marble Pie Roseluck Princess Ember Zecora Spitfire Maud Pie Bon Bon monochrome Shining Armor piercing Princess Cadence Lyra Octavia Vinyl Scratch Spike Traditional art derpy hooves
mlp art Daybreaker minor Nightmare Moon Light262 Raikoh-illust RenoKim GaelleDragons RanhKinh my little pony фэндомы
By fire be purged!
[Lumic4 spoiler] Daybreaker wallpaper- by Light (уже была без фона)
Showdown of the Goddess(там бы хайрез, но автор его удалил 0_о)
mlp gif Batpony mlp OC Royal guard minor mlp милитаризм my little pony фэндомы
"It was raining. Pouring, really, because of course it was. They don't have the guts to attack us in broad daylight. That's why the crews are usually mixed - we have better night sight, unicorns have magic. Where was I...? Oh yes... We were both soaked to the bone, but we kept watching the sky, firing shot after another, the gun shaking with recoil -"
"Hang on, recoil? Doesn't it fire laser or something?"
"What's a... laser?"
"It's... well, basically, a really bright, concentrated beam of light."
"That sounds like something the Princess would use."
"Hm, yes."
"But... no. The projectiles are actually something called 'plasma'. It's kinda technical."
"Plasma? Plasma of what? It's red, so maybe nitrogen from the atmosphere... But how do you even feed enough energy into that thing? You'd need like... a star or something! Not that a laser would be much better, when I think about it. The waste heat alone should torch the whole gun -"
"Hey! Look, I don't know all the details! I aim, I correct, and I shoot. The spotter is usually the one powering the gun, and doing most of the maintenance. All I do is 'Hold this here' and 'Don't touch that!'."
"Right. Sorry. I just thought I'd learn something really groundbreaking."
"I get it. Heh. You unicorns are all the same when it comes to these things. All I know is that it's something to do with the channeling crystals. It takes time to charge them up, and they eventually stop working all together. Just go find a group of spotters in a pub, and they'll ramble your ears off with environmental factors, cool down periods, recharge times, magic flows, ignition energies... Ugh. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap. Where was I?"
"It was a dark and stormy night?"
"Right! It was a dark and stormy night..."
"Hang on, recoil? Doesn't it fire laser or something?"
"What's a... laser?"
"It's... well, basically, a really bright, concentrated beam of light."
"That sounds like something the Princess would use."
"Hm, yes."
"But... no. The projectiles are actually something called 'plasma'. It's kinda technical."
"Plasma? Plasma of what? It's red, so maybe nitrogen from the atmosphere... But how do you even feed enough energy into that thing? You'd need like... a star or something! Not that a laser would be much better, when I think about it. The waste heat alone should torch the whole gun -"
"Hey! Look, I don't know all the details! I aim, I correct, and I shoot. The spotter is usually the one powering the gun, and doing most of the maintenance. All I do is 'Hold this here' and 'Don't touch that!'."
"Right. Sorry. I just thought I'd learn something really groundbreaking."
"I get it. Heh. You unicorns are all the same when it comes to these things. All I know is that it's something to do with the channeling crystals. It takes time to charge them up, and they eventually stop working all together. Just go find a group of spotters in a pub, and they'll ramble your ears off with environmental factors, cool down periods, recharge times, magic flows, ignition energies... Ugh. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap. Where was I?"
"It was a dark and stormy night?"
"Right! It was a dark and stormy night..."