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И новое и старое (не дерьмо).
Для начала почему стихи, которые уже публиковались, а точнее выкладывались на Понякторе попали в этот пост.
Во-первых в ночь их выкладывания моча ударила мне не в ту половинку пустой черепушки и я не прикрепил картинки, а на Понякторе, если кто не знает, посты без картинок не востребованы от слова совсем.
Во-вторых по причине той же мочи, но уже ударившей в ту половинку, но не в то время я не поставил никаких тегов, обозначающих содержание стихов.
И в третьих успешно наведённым выстрелом из задницы кого-то маленького пони, у кого по ночам видимо очень копытца чешутся, оба поста с потоком поступающего контента были слиты в анналы истории по причине отсутствия картинок и тегов.
Теперь есть картинки, теперь есть теги и чтобы это не выглядело как попытка кармодроча, самое главное, есть новинка, которую я в любом случае опубликовал бы, просто считайте те два старых стихотворения счастливым шансом для тех, кто к сожалению их не читал, вот и всё, приятного чтения.
Сказка про железных коней.
Жила кобылка, милая и скромная,
Жила с дедулькой, он был старым кузнецом,
И к его внученьке толпа была огромная
Жениться, ну а та не выходила на крыльцо.
Однажды так случилось, влез в их с дедом дом,
В ночи пробрался в комнату к кобылке
Ничейный сын и пьянь, Лиловый Ром
И в ту же ночь дал волю страсти пылкой.
Наутро, что б никто в деревне не прознал
Схватил кузнец безродного коня
И в кузнице своей в железо заковал,
Весь день металлом о металл звеня.
Стоял конь железный в центре деревни,
Гримасой на морде пугал жеребят,
При виде его сдавали всех нервы,
Один лишь кузнец той работой был рад,
А после кобылка сама загуляла,
Грозился кузнец — закуёт женихов,
Сколько дед не пугал, а кобылке всё мало,
И никто не сбегал от железных оков.
Стояли железные кони в деревне,
Штук двадцать, пугали кобыл, жеребят,
Куда-то пропали женихи все и верных
Мужей не осталось, и кузнец был бы рад
Если б внучка от горя его не столкнула
В огонь разгоревшийся в кузнице той,
А сама она вскоре в реке утонула,
А деревня застигнута страшной бедой.
Больше нет жеребцов, одни лишь кобылы
Жили, мучились с горя, пролетал день за днём,
И совсем в один день жизнь в деревне остыла,
Раздавило старуху железным конём,
Вся деревня погибла, проходил караван,
И торговцы коней сколь могли утащили,
И за дорого статуй железных продав
До конца своих дней припеваючи жили.
Сказка о единороге и зачарованном свитке.
(Добрая Лошадь не при чём)
Сказать по правде — я в пророчества не верил,
Пока в копыта не попался ветхий свиток,
Его хозяин бывший очень сильно бредил
И повторял, что буквы все ему в убыток.
Он говорил «клочок бумаги проклят»,
А я не верил и забрал его себе,
Я отвернулся и услышал мерзкий шёпот,
А повернулся, деда не было нигде.
Придя домой я принялся его читать
И удивился — свиток был совсем пустой.
Меня желанием накрыло написать
Один стишок на свитке и другой.
В тумане разума с рассветом
Под елью кровь была пролита,
Холодным днём чужого лета
В болоте вязнут три копыта.
Мелькнула мысль — «Что за бред?»
И лёг я спать с холодным сердцем,
На день на следующий, в обед
В мой милый дом открылась дверца
И на пороге с сумкой толстой
Стоял, печалился лесник,
Меня копьём пронзил взгляд острый,
Его печалью я проник.
Мы сели, выпили немного,
Он встал, собравшись уходить,
Но замер, рявкнув на пороге —
«Хорош ты с этим злом шутить».
Он вышел, за собою дверь закрыв,
И вспомнил я про свиток странный,
И снова взгляд в него зарыв,
Я убедил себя — «Я главный».
На небе солнышко сверкает,
Слепя случайно нос задравших,
И лихорадочно икает,
В святом саду цветок сорвавший.
Ну вот теперь уже хоть что-то,
Уже какой-то реализм,
А то копыто, три болота,
Ну натуральный дебилизм.
Я лёг в кровать спокойно, тихо,
Вдруг зазвенело в голове,
Настало утро, фельдшер лихо
Пробрался утром в дом ко мне
И говорит — «У нас беда,
Вокруг творится чёрти что»
И что за два последних дня
Здесь не спасли ни одного.
Ну что же, я развёл ногами,
Недоумённо говоря —
«Быть может были все врагами?»
В себе секретик затая.
Как он ушёл, писал я снова,
О чём то, сам не помню, чём,
Но после каждой буквы, слова,
Мой проклинали милый дом,
И жаловались, будто всё, что я пишу сбывается,
Что за моей спиной нависла тень и злобно улыбается.
А я не видел эту тень, она напала со спины,
И в том, что свиток написал, простите нет моей вины.
Я помню стих последний тот, что напророчил мою смерть,
А предсказания сбылись, ты хочешь верь, а хочешь нет.
Посеявший в посёлке плач,
Казнивший сам себя пером
Пророк, писатель и палач
В одном лице. Сожжённый дом.
Сказка о проклятом театре и любопытной Зебре.
В глубинах города стоит
И чуть шатается порой
Театр, тени так манит
Своей истерзанной судьбой.
Замок разбит, слетели двери,
Всё как на тёмной проходной,
Пройдя чрез них никто не верит,
Что обретёт там свой покой,
А Зебра входит, там концерт
Был сотню лет тому назад.
С собой несла она конверт,
На нём два слова — «Встрече рад!»
На креслах в зале только трупы,
На сцене тоже труп лежит,
У трупа шевелятся руки,
Он что-то тихо говорит.
И Зебра сделала ошибку,
Её походка прервалась,
Копытом наступив на скрипку,
Струна со звоном порвалась,
И трупы резко обернулись,
Пуская в душу гневный взгляд,
Одновременно улыбнулись,
А Зебра пятилась назад.
Заметил, встал и улыбнулся,
Три зуба хищно обнажив
Мертвец, со сцены навернулся,
Он был на самом деле жив.
Живой, ужасно злой кошмар,
Пугали коим жеребят,
За жертвой полз слегка дыша
И повторял, что встрече рад.
И в панике метнулась Зебра,
Кошмар хотелось избежать.
Дверей достигнув самой первой,
Ей захотелось закричать.
Закрыты двери и замок
Цепями ржавыми сплетён,
И Зебра поняла урок,
Что путь её здесь завершён.
Кошмар настиг её у входа,
От страха Зебра замерла,
Неслись перед глазами годы
И так бы Зебра померла,
Но обхватив её руками
Труп ледяной её обнял,
И слёзы всё сказали сами,
Чего мертвец не ожидал,
Что в Зебре смелости найдётся
Покойника в ответ обнять,
Что искренне та улыбнётся,
Споёт ему, уложит спать,
И двери мирно отворились,
Дорогу осветила ночь,
Лучи луны сквозь тень полились,
А Зебра ускакала прочь,
А в зале крепко крепко спит
И улыбается порой,
Письмо держа в руках, лежит
Труп обнимавший как живой.
P.S. - Бесценная принцесса Гвиневер Селестия, вы меня не знаете, а я вас, но есть тут один анон, довольно неплохо, я бы даже сказал хорошо спевший про Вас песенку, ну и про себя тоже, куда же без него, и пусть я рискую косвенно сломать ногу одному анимешнику он вероятно пнёт меня под зад за это, но всё же я считаю, что его здесь должны знать и с хорошей стороны... Ох, точно, картинки не мои и уже были, возможно все.
Equestria divided mlp песочница длиннопост много букв my little pony фэндомы
Нужен перевод, от автора мир:
Dear God it took me longer than I imagined, but it's here. The ultimate guide on which pony works where and for whom etc. Includes some characters from the comics (you should read them, really).
Archmagister Twilight Sparkle – de facto leader of the house, leader of the Canterlot Arcanists, patron of the Twin Guilds (Sun and Moon guilds)
Prince Shining Armor – de jure leader of the house, commander of M&S military forces
Princess Cadence - head of the Church of the Celestial Sisters, spiritual leader of the house, creator of the Anti-Slavery Act
Magister Lemon Hearts – overseer of the Canterlot slave domes, supporter of the Anti-Slavery Act
Grand Inquisitor Trixie Lulamoon - leader of the Celestial Inquisition, overseer of the Hoofington quarantine operations
Inquisition Officer Snips - Trixie's lieutenant, currently assigned to Sun Guild
Inquisition Officer Snails - Trixie's lieutenant, currently assigned to Moon Guild
Ghost of Starswirl the Bearded - advisor to the Archmagister, a spirit shackled to the mortal realm
Magister Amethyst Star - grandmistress of the Sun Guild, overseer of the Sun Guild's slave domes
Warmage Orion - commander of the military arm of the Sun Guild
Magister Minuette - grandmistress of the Moon Guild, overseer of the Moon Guild's slave domes
Warmage Comet Tail - commander of the military arm of the Moon Guild
Madame Royal Ribbon – head of the Canterlot unicorn nobility, overseer of M&S trade and diplomatic affairs
Mistress Twinkleshine – leader of M&S Bureau of Intelligence and Information
Governor Jet Set - governor of Stalliongrad
Governor Upper Crust - governor of Struttgart, overseer of Struttgart sun batteries
Scroll Master Written Script – archivist and keeper of the Canterlot Library
Spike the Dragon - a weapon of mass destruction hidden beneath Canterlot, shackled and drugged
Hayseed Turnip Truck – former earth pony slave, given the status of second-class citizen by Princess Cadence, now works for her maintaing the building of the Church of the Celestial Sisters in Canterlot
Supreme Commander Applejack - head of the house, commander of Earthborn military forces
Elder Matron Granny Smith - head of the Earth Council, advisor to the Supreme Commander, spiritual leader of the house
High General Big Macintosh - commander of the Earthborn land forces, founder and leader of the Juggernaut Corps, creator of the „Devastating Force” doctrine
Master Engineer Applebloom - founder of the Engineer Guild, patron of the Forges of Appleloosa, head inventor
Councilmare Apple Rose – current leader of the Apple Clan and its representative in the Earth Council
General Braeburn - commander of the Frontier Defence Force, founder and leader of the Appleloosan Rangers
General Lightning Dust - commander of the Pegasi Auxiliary Corps, founder and leader of the Lightning's Finest, creator of the „Lightning Assault” doctrine
Chief Strongheart - leader of the Thunderhoof buffalo tribe, head shaman of the tribe
Governor Silverstar - governor of Appleloosa
Councilmare Cloudy Quartz – Pie Clan representative in the Earth Council, matron of the clan
Governor Ingenous Rock – governor of Fillydelphia, leader of the Pie Clan, patron of the Fillydelphian Gem Mines, overseer of the Earthborn mining operations
Chief Archeologist Marble Pie – overseer of the Earthborn archeologic operations
Gem Scientist Limestone Pie – founder and head scholar of the Gem Research Institute of Fillydelphia
Councilcolt Mosely Orange – Orange Clan representative in the Earth Council, leader of the Orange Clan, chief of Earthborn diplomatic affairs
Madame Orange – governor of Colterado, overseer of Earthborn trade, informal leader of Earthborn Spy Agency
Babs Seed – member of the Orange Clan, spy for the house currently stationed in Manehattan
Madame Cherry Jubilee – leader of the Cherry Clan, patron of the Gardens of Appleloosa, Cherry Clan representative in the Earth Council, governor of Dodge Junction, overseer of Earthborn food production
Chief Logistician Cherry Berry – chief logistician of the house and the Cherry Clan, founder of the Earthborn Balloon Corps
Fort Commander Caramel – commander of the Northern Earth Bastion
Fort Commander Apple Cobbler – commander of the Southern Earth Bastion
Wing Commander Cloud Kicker – commander of Appleloosan Pegasi Division
Wather Commander Wild Flower – overseer of the Earthborn weather management teams
Forgemaster Mjolna – leader of the Fillydelphian branch of the Engineer Guild, inventor of the firespitter
Force Commander Supreme Rainbow Dash – head of the house, commander of Stormwing military forces, commander/governor of the Flying City Cloudsdale
Force Commander Spitfire – commander/governor of the Flying City Las Pegasus, founder of the Wind Rider Squadrons, overseer of the Stormwing's Training Program, chief logistician
Force Commander Soarin – commander/governor of the Flying City Windsoar, founder and leader of Stormwing's Charioteer Squadrons, chief tactician
Wing Commander Fleetfoot – commander of the Dragonpoint Outpost, overseer of the Dragonpoint mines, founder of the Weather Masters Guild, leader of the guild's military branch (Stormbringers)
Wing Commander Rapid Fire – commander of Stormwing forces stationed in Trottingham
Scoutmaster Scootaloo – leader of the elite Wing Rider Scouting Squad, personal protege of Rainbow Dash
Wingscout Rumble – second in command of Scootaloo's Scouting Squad
Weather Master Raindrops – head of the research branch of the Weather Masters Guild, inventor of the discharger
Weather Master Rainbowshine – leader of Stormwing's weather teams
Master Guardian Thunderlane – head of the Honorguard, a military force tasked with punishing those who don't uphold the values of honor and loyalty, creator of the Order 313
Commander Snowflake – leader of the Heavy Lancers
Wingscout Featherweight – member of Scootaloo's Scouting Squad
Commander Gilda of the Griffin Kingdoms – leader of the Greyfeathers Expeditionary Force, governor of the Greyfeathers Encampment
Mrs. Harshwhinny – governor of Trottingham under Stormwing's protectorate
Commander Noteworthy – commander of the Ground Guard Watchtower
Overseer Golden Harvest – creator of the concept of „mobile farms”, overseer of the house's food production and distribution
Mistress Rarity – leader of the house, head of the Society of Canterlot Nobles and Equestrian Trade Union, patron of the Gem Wizards of the Arcane District, chief of diplomatic affairs
Lady Sweetie Belle – patron of the Artisan District, famous singer and performer, a Sapphire Siren-in-training
General Fancy Pants – commander of the Whitegold military and police forces, overseer of the mercenary business of the house, patron of the Wall, self-appointed patron of the Undercity
Mistress Diamond Tiara – patron of the Merchant District, overseer of Whitegold's trade
Lady Fleur De Lis – patron of the District of Delights, owner of the „Pink Lady Lodge” which doubles as a spy hub, overseer of the Whitegold spy network
Mistress Sapphire Shores – famous diva and fashionista, secretly the master of voice magic, founder and leader of the Sapphire Sirens Troupe, owner of the „Crystal Shell Concert Hall”
Commander Flash Sentry – leader of the Praetorponies and the elite Ivory Guard
Sir Gustave Le Grand – wealthy merchant, owner of the „Goldenbeak Restaurant”, has strong connections to griffon mercenary companies from the north
Aloe and Lotus – twin sisters of unparalleled beauty, managers of the „Pink Lady Lodge”, interrogators and smoothtalkers
Soundmaster Vinyl Scratch – member of the Arcane District's Mage's Guild, inventor of the Voice Magic Amplifier and the Sound Cannon
Lady Octavia – member of the Artisan District, master cellist and performer, secretly the leader of the Nighthooves
Commander Sassaflash – commander of the Whitegold Militia in the Undercity
Madame Photo Finish – photographer and journalist, head of the Whitegold Bureau of Propaganda
Madame Lyrica Lilac – wealthy noble and owner of the Whitegold Gem Mines
Sir Hoity Toity – wealthy merchant and a fashionista, owner of several mercenary companies
Warchief Rover the Rabid– leader of the diamond dog mercenaries working for Whitegold
The Laughing Mare – mysterious god-like entity, residing in the Astral Plane and worshipped by the Cult
Corpse of Pinkie Pie – used by the Laughing Mare as an anchor to the mortal realm, honorary 7th Prophet of the Laughing Mare
High Prophet Cranky Doodle – the 1st Prophet, spiritual leader of the Cult, „Speaker to the Mare”, „Master Necromancer” and the „Grand Priest of the Laughing Mare”
Prophet Derpy – the 2nd Prophet, messenger of the Cult, „the Bearer of Good News”, „the Mad Prophet”, and the „Harbinger of Laughter”
Prophet Lyra Heartstrings – the 3rd Prophet, mistress of psychological warfare, „the Joyous Bard”, „the Singer of the End Times”, designer of the Macabre Music Machine
Prophet Surprise – the 4th Prophet, former Wonderbolt, „the Winged Euphoria”, „the Sky's Laugh”, founder and leader of the Cult's Euphories
Prophet Screwball – the 5th Prophet, „the Astral Speaker”, „the Possesed”, „the Demonologist”
Prophet Pokey Pierce – the 6th Prophet, „the Keeper of Keys”, „the Dancing Lunatic”, rumored founder of the order of Jesters of Baltimare
Mayor Mare – overseer of the Cult's smuggling operations and logistics
Ms. Peachbottom – the Cult's infamous „Mistress of Ceremony”, instigator of several cult uprisings, „the Smilling Seductress”
Berry Punch – owner of the „Berry's Cellar”, leader of the Fillydelphia cell of the Cult
Donut Joe – owner of the „Donut Lodge” in Stalliongrad, leader of the Stalliongrad cell
Allie Way – owner of the „Fun'n'Games Club” in Manehattan's District of Delights, leader of the Manehattan cell
Pound and Pumpkin Cake – orphaned twins blessed with extraordinary powers, which may prove instrumental to the Cult's plan
Carrot and Cup Cake – married couple, long dead parents of the Cake twins, now reanimated and used as bodyguards for the twins (without their knowledge)
Gummy – Pinkie's grown up and mutated alligator, guardian of Pinkie Pie's Sarcophagus
Lady Fluttershy – supreme leader of the tribes, „Speaker to the Forest”, „the Beastmaster”, „the Mother of Us All”, leader of the Gathering of Druids
The Everfree Liege – a mysterious entity seemingly controlling the forest itself, communicates directly only with Fluttershy
Zecora of the Exiled Tribe – spiritual and political leader of the Exiled Tribe of zebras, head druid of the Everfree Tribes, world-renowned alchemist
Warlord Iron Will – leader of the Iron Bulls, supreme leader of the united Everfree warbands, chief beast tamer and a personal bodyguard to Lady Fluttershy
Granddruidess Roseluck – member of the Gathering of Druids, caretaker of the Tree Top Towers community, „Guardian of the Froggy Bottom Bog”, „Mother of Shamblers”
Granddruidess Lily Valley – member of the Gathering of Druids, caretaker of the Royal Castle Ruins community, „the Floral Architect”, creator of the first Death Blossom
Granddruidess Daisy – member of the Gathering of Druids, caretaker of the Everfree Grotto community, „Calmer of the Forest”, „Messenger of the Lady”
Tribe Leader Cloudchaser – leader of the Nature's Fury tribe, highly-functioning wraith, leader of the tribe's warbands, „the Shrieking Terror”
Tribe Shaman Flitter – shaman of the Nature's Fury tribe, highly-functioning wraith, spiritual leader of the tribe, „the Lady of Orgies”, „She Who Mates with Beasts”
Tribe Leader Flax Seed – leader of the Wild Roses tribe, highly skilled druid, alchemist and potionmaker, highly-functioning thorner
Tribe Wisemare Wheat Grass – wisemare of the Wild Roses Tribe, highly skilled druid and healer, philosopher of nature and a pacifist
Tribe Leader Mr. Greenhooves – leader of Her Watchful Eyes tribe, a wisepony and a druid
Tribe Scout Star Hunter – head scout of Her Watchful Eyes tribe, leader of the tribe's warbands and scouting parties
Tribe Leader Mulia Mild – leader of Children of the Forest tribe, skilled diplomat and trader
Tribe Leader Mane Goodall – leader of the Bear Tooth tribe, former veterinarian, renowned beast tamer and caretaker, „the Mistress of Manticores”
Tribe Warchief Blossomforth – leader of the Bear Tooth tribe's warbands, highly-functioning wraith, „the Caller of Beasts”
Tribe Leader Lucky Clover – leader of the Old Oaks tribe, „Brother to Ents”, „the Treeskin”, head druid of the tribe, highly-functioning thorner
Members of Redheart's Refuge
Nurse Redheart – founder and leader of the refuge, maintains the supplies and logistics for the refuge
Doctor Stable – worker at Redheart's Refuge,
Nurse Snowheart – worker at Redheart's Refuge,
Nurse Sweetheart – worker at Redheart's Refuge
Cheerilee – affiliated with the refuge, runs an education and history centre for the refugees and a small orphanage
Junebug – helps with maintaining supplies for the refuge
Members of the Flim Flam Folly
Flim Flam Brothers – founders and leaders of the Folly, inventors and traders who sell their designs and inventions to the highest bidder
Engineer Quick Fix – protege of the brothers, skilled craftsmare and engineer
Captain Wild Fire – leads a small band of mercenaries paid to protect the Folly
Sunset Shimmer – a notorious mercenary, usually working for either M&S or Whitegold in exchange for gold, artifacts or old documents, pursues her own agenda
Pipsqueak the Pirate – leader of a small rag-tag group of rebels, usually engaging bandits and stealing supplies from the main factions
Silverspeed – skilled marksmare, works with Pipsqueak
Sea Swirl – skilled sailor and tracker, works with Pipsqueak
Screw Loose – low functioning wraith, somehow escaped the Everfree forest and joined Pipsqueak's group
Dr. Whooves – traveller, scholar and investigator, his goals are unknown but seem to have something to do with the disappearance of the Princesses
Hoops and Dumb Bell – bandit leaders, operating somewhere in the Whitetail Woods
Magister Lemony Gem – leads a group of rogue unicorn mages who fled M&S territory, their goal is to find the location of the legendary Starswirl's Laboratory
Meadow Song – bard travelling from town to town, singing uplifting tunes about times before the war
Twilight's Parents – killed by pegasi rebels during the infamous „Bloody Debate” in Canterlot
Carrot and Cup Cake – died in flooding of Ponyville
Dinky Doo – died in flooding of Ponyville
Matilda Donkey – died in flooding of Ponyville
Rarity's Parents – status unknown, last seen leaving Ponyville before Stormwing's flood, never reached Manehattan
Prince Blueblood – after marrying Rarity, died in an unfortunate accident which left her a widow and a de-facto leader of both the Society of Canterlot Nobles and Equestrian Trade Union
Chief Thunderhooves – died of old age
Sir Filthy Rich – killed in one of the Cult's uprisings in Manehattan, orphaned Diamond Tiara
Silver Spoon – kidnapped during the same uprising, current whereabouts unknown
Twist – died in the flooding of Ponyville
Councilcolt Apple Strudel – died of old age/disease (real cause unknown)
Half Baked Apple – killed in an Everfree raid on Iron Spire Village
Shoeshine – died during the battle of New Ponyville
MandoPony – burned at the stake by the Celestial Inquisition during the Hoofington Crisis
Mistress Sweetcream Scoops – assasinated during her „performance” at the „Pink Lady Lodge” after being exposed as Earthborn spy
Logistician Cherry Spices – member of the Earthborn Cherry Clan, assasinated by a Nighthoof
Lady Tealove – died in Capeville, during one of Earthborn „terror bombardment” routines
Diamond Rose – victim of Stormwing's Order 313
Tempeh and Tofu – both died defending the Wild Roses camp against Earthborn invasion force
Dear God it took me longer than I imagined, but it's here. The ultimate guide on which pony works where and for whom etc. Includes some characters from the comics (you should read them, really).
Archmagister Twilight Sparkle – de facto leader of the house, leader of the Canterlot Arcanists, patron of the Twin Guilds (Sun and Moon guilds)
Prince Shining Armor – de jure leader of the house, commander of M&S military forces
Princess Cadence - head of the Church of the Celestial Sisters, spiritual leader of the house, creator of the Anti-Slavery Act
Magister Lemon Hearts – overseer of the Canterlot slave domes, supporter of the Anti-Slavery Act
Grand Inquisitor Trixie Lulamoon - leader of the Celestial Inquisition, overseer of the Hoofington quarantine operations
Inquisition Officer Snips - Trixie's lieutenant, currently assigned to Sun Guild
Inquisition Officer Snails - Trixie's lieutenant, currently assigned to Moon Guild
Ghost of Starswirl the Bearded - advisor to the Archmagister, a spirit shackled to the mortal realm
Magister Amethyst Star - grandmistress of the Sun Guild, overseer of the Sun Guild's slave domes
Warmage Orion - commander of the military arm of the Sun Guild
Magister Minuette - grandmistress of the Moon Guild, overseer of the Moon Guild's slave domes
Warmage Comet Tail - commander of the military arm of the Moon Guild
Madame Royal Ribbon – head of the Canterlot unicorn nobility, overseer of M&S trade and diplomatic affairs
Mistress Twinkleshine – leader of M&S Bureau of Intelligence and Information
Governor Jet Set - governor of Stalliongrad
Governor Upper Crust - governor of Struttgart, overseer of Struttgart sun batteries
Scroll Master Written Script – archivist and keeper of the Canterlot Library
Spike the Dragon - a weapon of mass destruction hidden beneath Canterlot, shackled and drugged
Hayseed Turnip Truck – former earth pony slave, given the status of second-class citizen by Princess Cadence, now works for her maintaing the building of the Church of the Celestial Sisters in Canterlot
Supreme Commander Applejack - head of the house, commander of Earthborn military forces
Elder Matron Granny Smith - head of the Earth Council, advisor to the Supreme Commander, spiritual leader of the house
High General Big Macintosh - commander of the Earthborn land forces, founder and leader of the Juggernaut Corps, creator of the „Devastating Force” doctrine
Master Engineer Applebloom - founder of the Engineer Guild, patron of the Forges of Appleloosa, head inventor
Councilmare Apple Rose – current leader of the Apple Clan and its representative in the Earth Council
General Braeburn - commander of the Frontier Defence Force, founder and leader of the Appleloosan Rangers
General Lightning Dust - commander of the Pegasi Auxiliary Corps, founder and leader of the Lightning's Finest, creator of the „Lightning Assault” doctrine
Chief Strongheart - leader of the Thunderhoof buffalo tribe, head shaman of the tribe
Governor Silverstar - governor of Appleloosa
Councilmare Cloudy Quartz – Pie Clan representative in the Earth Council, matron of the clan
Governor Ingenous Rock – governor of Fillydelphia, leader of the Pie Clan, patron of the Fillydelphian Gem Mines, overseer of the Earthborn mining operations
Chief Archeologist Marble Pie – overseer of the Earthborn archeologic operations
Gem Scientist Limestone Pie – founder and head scholar of the Gem Research Institute of Fillydelphia
Councilcolt Mosely Orange – Orange Clan representative in the Earth Council, leader of the Orange Clan, chief of Earthborn diplomatic affairs
Madame Orange – governor of Colterado, overseer of Earthborn trade, informal leader of Earthborn Spy Agency
Babs Seed – member of the Orange Clan, spy for the house currently stationed in Manehattan
Madame Cherry Jubilee – leader of the Cherry Clan, patron of the Gardens of Appleloosa, Cherry Clan representative in the Earth Council, governor of Dodge Junction, overseer of Earthborn food production
Chief Logistician Cherry Berry – chief logistician of the house and the Cherry Clan, founder of the Earthborn Balloon Corps
Fort Commander Caramel – commander of the Northern Earth Bastion
Fort Commander Apple Cobbler – commander of the Southern Earth Bastion
Wing Commander Cloud Kicker – commander of Appleloosan Pegasi Division
Wather Commander Wild Flower – overseer of the Earthborn weather management teams
Forgemaster Mjolna – leader of the Fillydelphian branch of the Engineer Guild, inventor of the firespitter
Force Commander Supreme Rainbow Dash – head of the house, commander of Stormwing military forces, commander/governor of the Flying City Cloudsdale
Force Commander Spitfire – commander/governor of the Flying City Las Pegasus, founder of the Wind Rider Squadrons, overseer of the Stormwing's Training Program, chief logistician
Force Commander Soarin – commander/governor of the Flying City Windsoar, founder and leader of Stormwing's Charioteer Squadrons, chief tactician
Wing Commander Fleetfoot – commander of the Dragonpoint Outpost, overseer of the Dragonpoint mines, founder of the Weather Masters Guild, leader of the guild's military branch (Stormbringers)
Wing Commander Rapid Fire – commander of Stormwing forces stationed in Trottingham
Scoutmaster Scootaloo – leader of the elite Wing Rider Scouting Squad, personal protege of Rainbow Dash
Wingscout Rumble – second in command of Scootaloo's Scouting Squad
Weather Master Raindrops – head of the research branch of the Weather Masters Guild, inventor of the discharger
Weather Master Rainbowshine – leader of Stormwing's weather teams
Master Guardian Thunderlane – head of the Honorguard, a military force tasked with punishing those who don't uphold the values of honor and loyalty, creator of the Order 313
Commander Snowflake – leader of the Heavy Lancers
Wingscout Featherweight – member of Scootaloo's Scouting Squad
Commander Gilda of the Griffin Kingdoms – leader of the Greyfeathers Expeditionary Force, governor of the Greyfeathers Encampment
Mrs. Harshwhinny – governor of Trottingham under Stormwing's protectorate
Commander Noteworthy – commander of the Ground Guard Watchtower
Overseer Golden Harvest – creator of the concept of „mobile farms”, overseer of the house's food production and distribution
Mistress Rarity – leader of the house, head of the Society of Canterlot Nobles and Equestrian Trade Union, patron of the Gem Wizards of the Arcane District, chief of diplomatic affairs
Lady Sweetie Belle – patron of the Artisan District, famous singer and performer, a Sapphire Siren-in-training
General Fancy Pants – commander of the Whitegold military and police forces, overseer of the mercenary business of the house, patron of the Wall, self-appointed patron of the Undercity
Mistress Diamond Tiara – patron of the Merchant District, overseer of Whitegold's trade
Lady Fleur De Lis – patron of the District of Delights, owner of the „Pink Lady Lodge” which doubles as a spy hub, overseer of the Whitegold spy network
Mistress Sapphire Shores – famous diva and fashionista, secretly the master of voice magic, founder and leader of the Sapphire Sirens Troupe, owner of the „Crystal Shell Concert Hall”
Commander Flash Sentry – leader of the Praetorponies and the elite Ivory Guard
Sir Gustave Le Grand – wealthy merchant, owner of the „Goldenbeak Restaurant”, has strong connections to griffon mercenary companies from the north
Aloe and Lotus – twin sisters of unparalleled beauty, managers of the „Pink Lady Lodge”, interrogators and smoothtalkers
Soundmaster Vinyl Scratch – member of the Arcane District's Mage's Guild, inventor of the Voice Magic Amplifier and the Sound Cannon
Lady Octavia – member of the Artisan District, master cellist and performer, secretly the leader of the Nighthooves
Commander Sassaflash – commander of the Whitegold Militia in the Undercity
Madame Photo Finish – photographer and journalist, head of the Whitegold Bureau of Propaganda
Madame Lyrica Lilac – wealthy noble and owner of the Whitegold Gem Mines
Sir Hoity Toity – wealthy merchant and a fashionista, owner of several mercenary companies
Warchief Rover the Rabid– leader of the diamond dog mercenaries working for Whitegold
The Laughing Mare – mysterious god-like entity, residing in the Astral Plane and worshipped by the Cult
Corpse of Pinkie Pie – used by the Laughing Mare as an anchor to the mortal realm, honorary 7th Prophet of the Laughing Mare
High Prophet Cranky Doodle – the 1st Prophet, spiritual leader of the Cult, „Speaker to the Mare”, „Master Necromancer” and the „Grand Priest of the Laughing Mare”
Prophet Derpy – the 2nd Prophet, messenger of the Cult, „the Bearer of Good News”, „the Mad Prophet”, and the „Harbinger of Laughter”
Prophet Lyra Heartstrings – the 3rd Prophet, mistress of psychological warfare, „the Joyous Bard”, „the Singer of the End Times”, designer of the Macabre Music Machine
Prophet Surprise – the 4th Prophet, former Wonderbolt, „the Winged Euphoria”, „the Sky's Laugh”, founder and leader of the Cult's Euphories
Prophet Screwball – the 5th Prophet, „the Astral Speaker”, „the Possesed”, „the Demonologist”
Prophet Pokey Pierce – the 6th Prophet, „the Keeper of Keys”, „the Dancing Lunatic”, rumored founder of the order of Jesters of Baltimare
Mayor Mare – overseer of the Cult's smuggling operations and logistics
Ms. Peachbottom – the Cult's infamous „Mistress of Ceremony”, instigator of several cult uprisings, „the Smilling Seductress”
Berry Punch – owner of the „Berry's Cellar”, leader of the Fillydelphia cell of the Cult
Donut Joe – owner of the „Donut Lodge” in Stalliongrad, leader of the Stalliongrad cell
Allie Way – owner of the „Fun'n'Games Club” in Manehattan's District of Delights, leader of the Manehattan cell
Pound and Pumpkin Cake – orphaned twins blessed with extraordinary powers, which may prove instrumental to the Cult's plan
Carrot and Cup Cake – married couple, long dead parents of the Cake twins, now reanimated and used as bodyguards for the twins (without their knowledge)
Gummy – Pinkie's grown up and mutated alligator, guardian of Pinkie Pie's Sarcophagus
Lady Fluttershy – supreme leader of the tribes, „Speaker to the Forest”, „the Beastmaster”, „the Mother of Us All”, leader of the Gathering of Druids
The Everfree Liege – a mysterious entity seemingly controlling the forest itself, communicates directly only with Fluttershy
Zecora of the Exiled Tribe – spiritual and political leader of the Exiled Tribe of zebras, head druid of the Everfree Tribes, world-renowned alchemist
Warlord Iron Will – leader of the Iron Bulls, supreme leader of the united Everfree warbands, chief beast tamer and a personal bodyguard to Lady Fluttershy
Granddruidess Roseluck – member of the Gathering of Druids, caretaker of the Tree Top Towers community, „Guardian of the Froggy Bottom Bog”, „Mother of Shamblers”
Granddruidess Lily Valley – member of the Gathering of Druids, caretaker of the Royal Castle Ruins community, „the Floral Architect”, creator of the first Death Blossom
Granddruidess Daisy – member of the Gathering of Druids, caretaker of the Everfree Grotto community, „Calmer of the Forest”, „Messenger of the Lady”
Tribe Leader Cloudchaser – leader of the Nature's Fury tribe, highly-functioning wraith, leader of the tribe's warbands, „the Shrieking Terror”
Tribe Shaman Flitter – shaman of the Nature's Fury tribe, highly-functioning wraith, spiritual leader of the tribe, „the Lady of Orgies”, „She Who Mates with Beasts”
Tribe Leader Flax Seed – leader of the Wild Roses tribe, highly skilled druid, alchemist and potionmaker, highly-functioning thorner
Tribe Wisemare Wheat Grass – wisemare of the Wild Roses Tribe, highly skilled druid and healer, philosopher of nature and a pacifist
Tribe Leader Mr. Greenhooves – leader of Her Watchful Eyes tribe, a wisepony and a druid
Tribe Scout Star Hunter – head scout of Her Watchful Eyes tribe, leader of the tribe's warbands and scouting parties
Tribe Leader Mulia Mild – leader of Children of the Forest tribe, skilled diplomat and trader
Tribe Leader Mane Goodall – leader of the Bear Tooth tribe, former veterinarian, renowned beast tamer and caretaker, „the Mistress of Manticores”
Tribe Warchief Blossomforth – leader of the Bear Tooth tribe's warbands, highly-functioning wraith, „the Caller of Beasts”
Tribe Leader Lucky Clover – leader of the Old Oaks tribe, „Brother to Ents”, „the Treeskin”, head druid of the tribe, highly-functioning thorner
Members of Redheart's Refuge
Nurse Redheart – founder and leader of the refuge, maintains the supplies and logistics for the refuge
Doctor Stable – worker at Redheart's Refuge,
Nurse Snowheart – worker at Redheart's Refuge,
Nurse Sweetheart – worker at Redheart's Refuge
Cheerilee – affiliated with the refuge, runs an education and history centre for the refugees and a small orphanage
Junebug – helps with maintaining supplies for the refuge
Members of the Flim Flam Folly
Flim Flam Brothers – founders and leaders of the Folly, inventors and traders who sell their designs and inventions to the highest bidder
Engineer Quick Fix – protege of the brothers, skilled craftsmare and engineer
Captain Wild Fire – leads a small band of mercenaries paid to protect the Folly
Sunset Shimmer – a notorious mercenary, usually working for either M&S or Whitegold in exchange for gold, artifacts or old documents, pursues her own agenda
Pipsqueak the Pirate – leader of a small rag-tag group of rebels, usually engaging bandits and stealing supplies from the main factions
Silverspeed – skilled marksmare, works with Pipsqueak
Sea Swirl – skilled sailor and tracker, works with Pipsqueak
Screw Loose – low functioning wraith, somehow escaped the Everfree forest and joined Pipsqueak's group
Dr. Whooves – traveller, scholar and investigator, his goals are unknown but seem to have something to do with the disappearance of the Princesses
Hoops and Dumb Bell – bandit leaders, operating somewhere in the Whitetail Woods
Magister Lemony Gem – leads a group of rogue unicorn mages who fled M&S territory, their goal is to find the location of the legendary Starswirl's Laboratory
Meadow Song – bard travelling from town to town, singing uplifting tunes about times before the war
Twilight's Parents – killed by pegasi rebels during the infamous „Bloody Debate” in Canterlot
Carrot and Cup Cake – died in flooding of Ponyville
Dinky Doo – died in flooding of Ponyville
Matilda Donkey – died in flooding of Ponyville
Rarity's Parents – status unknown, last seen leaving Ponyville before Stormwing's flood, never reached Manehattan
Prince Blueblood – after marrying Rarity, died in an unfortunate accident which left her a widow and a de-facto leader of both the Society of Canterlot Nobles and Equestrian Trade Union
Chief Thunderhooves – died of old age
Sir Filthy Rich – killed in one of the Cult's uprisings in Manehattan, orphaned Diamond Tiara
Silver Spoon – kidnapped during the same uprising, current whereabouts unknown
Twist – died in the flooding of Ponyville
Councilcolt Apple Strudel – died of old age/disease (real cause unknown)
Half Baked Apple – killed in an Everfree raid on Iron Spire Village
Shoeshine – died during the battle of New Ponyville
MandoPony – burned at the stake by the Celestial Inquisition during the Hoofington Crisis
Mistress Sweetcream Scoops – assasinated during her „performance” at the „Pink Lady Lodge” after being exposed as Earthborn spy
Logistician Cherry Spices – member of the Earthborn Cherry Clan, assasinated by a Nighthoof
Lady Tealove – died in Capeville, during one of Earthborn „terror bombardment” routines
Diamond Rose – victim of Stormwing's Order 313
Tempeh and Tofu – both died defending the Wild Roses camp against Earthborn invasion force