big applejack
»mlp art Applejack Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity Twilight Sparkle Princess Luna Princess Celestia derpy hooves my little pony фэндомы CMC royal minor mane 6 snowflake Twist Snips Lily Valley Owlowiscious (mlp) Snowdrop Snails Bulk Biceps Fleetfoot Mayor Mare Lauren Faust Cheese Sandwich Aloe Lotus Cloudchaser Granny Smith Babs Seed Silver Spoon Berry Punch Fluffle Puff Diamond Tiara Cheerilee Soarin Roseluck Zecora Spitfire Bon Bon Shining Armor Big Mac Princess Cadence Discord (mlp) Lyra Octavia Vinyl Scratch Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Spike Scootaloo Queen Chrysalis Trixie
Applejack Rarity Derpy Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Princess Celestia Princess Luna Rainbow Dash Scootaloo Twilight Sparkle my little pony фэндомы mlp pets CMC mane 6 minor royal Smile - Arranged for Strings & Percussion Seriosly though - this is ridiculous MusicByOctavia - Smile but if thou insist... Cranky Doodle Donkey and many others... Featherweigh Dance Fever loneling Hayseed Turnip Truck Colter Sobchak Jeff Letrotski Hugh Jelly Mr. Waddle Donny truffle shuffle twilight scepter stormwalker bugbear Gummy matilda Steven Magnet snowflake Allie Way Donut Joe Cranky Doodle Filthy Rich princess cadance Twist Amethyst Star Daisy Snips carrot cake Lily Valley Pumpkin Cake Pipsqueak Pound Cake Snails Bulk Biceps Mayor Mare Flitter Thunderlane Button Mash Aloe Lotus smile Cloudchaser Granny Smith Gummy (mlp) Braeburn Silver Spoon Berry Punch Diamond Tiara Cheerilee Roseluck Doctor Whooves Zecora changeling Bon Bon Shining Armor big macintosh mlp Art & Music Lyra Octavia Vinyl Scratch Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Spike
Посвящается всем, кто возвращал меня на путь истинный, отколе забывал проставлять я теги.
Congratulations Friendship is Magic on 100 episodes!
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mlp art Applejack Derpy Pinkie Pie Princess Celestia Princess Luna Rainbow Dash Rarity Twilight Sparkle Fluttershy my little pony фэндомы mane 6 royal CMC minor cadance Snips Screwball Snails flam Thunderlane Cloudchaser Lightning Dust Red Heart Granny Smith Minuette Babs Seed Braeburn Berry Punch Daring Do Cheerilee Soarin Gilda Dr Whooves Zecora Spitfire Bon Bon Shining Armor Big Mac Nightmare Moon Discord (mlp) Lyra Octavia Vinyl Scratch Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Spike Scootaloo Chrysalis Trixie
mlp art Rarity mane 6 Applejack Rainbow Dash Spike minor Shining Armor royal Flash Sentry my little pony фэндомы
RD: "Pretty sure it is, big guy."
RR: "I'm not sure this is the way to go about it."
Spike: "Maybe we need more stimuli. I can find more photos."
AJ: "What's your game, loverboy?"
Continuity! While Twilight and Princess Cadance are off dealing with Discord... There's no better why to find out how much a colt loves a mare or just what his deal is with Twilight than with SCIENCE. No Royal Guards were hurt in the vectoring of this piece.
mlp Art & Music mlp песочница Applejack mane 6 mlp art my little pony фэндомы
You can offer me a diamond-plated pearl;
You can send me all the riches in the world;
You can tempt me with the palaces of kings;
I'd give 'em back in a big ol' sack and keep the simple things
I've got the simple things; I've got the rain in spring,
Got spicy chicken wings, and French-fried onion rings
You can line me up a mile of limousines;
For me it don't add up to a hill o' beans;
I got no hankerin' for grabbin' your brass ring;
It's crystal clear - I'll stay right here and keep the simple things
I've got the summer breeze, got 16 cans of peas,
A two-speed window fan when it's 93 degrees,
So forgive me for not grabbin' your brass ring;
It's crystal clear - I'll stay right here and keep the simple things
It's crystal clear - I'll stay right here and keep the simple things
И собери мне жемчуга со всей вселенной,
И богатства всего мира подари,
И построй ты мне дворцы красы нетленной,
Уйду и буду, я буду жить в дали от них, далеко от них
Весенний теплый дождь, веселый щебет птиц
Дороже всех богатств на свете мне, е, е, е, е!
И десяток лимузинов я, мой друг,
На пучок простых бобов не променяю.
И богатства, что прельщают всех вокруг,
Ради жизни и свободы оставляю.