changeling Celestia
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Derpy Princess Luna Princess Celestia Scootaloo Twilight Sparkle Pinkie Pie Fluttershy Rarity Applejack Rainbow Dash my little pony фэндомы CMC royal minor mane 6 mlp pets Colter Sobchak Jeff Letrotski crafty crate Hugh Jelly savoir fare bugbear matilda Steven Magnet Cranky Doodle Featherweight Raindrops Twist Sparkler Daisy Snips Mr. Cake Lily Valley Pumpkin Cake Pipsqueak Pound Cake Snails Bulk Biceps Mrs. Cake Mayor Mare Thunderlane Button Mash Lotus Carrot Top Granny Smith Minuette Gummy (mlp) Berry Punch Cheerilee Roseluck Doctor Whooves Zecora changeling Bon Bon Shining Armor Big Mac Princess Cadence Lyra Octavia Vinyl Scratch Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Spike
Slice of Life
by SwanLullabymlp art Applejack Princess Luna Fluttershy Rainbow Dash Twilight Sparkle Pinkie Pie vocaloids Anime Anime Unsorted my little pony фэндомы CMC mlp блоги mane 6 mlp pets royal minor jeff letrocky dony lotus (mlp) aloe (mlp) twilicane cup cake matilda Steven Magnet Cranky Doodle Lily Daisy Bulk Biceps Mrs. Cake Mayor Mare Thunderlane Button Mash Aloe Lotus Rarijack-Daily Granny Smith Gummy (mlp) Braeburn Berry Punch Soarin Roseluck Dr Whooves Zecora changeling Bon Bon mlp royal Shining Armor Big Mac Princess Cadence Lyra Octavia Vinyl Scratch Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Spike Scootaloo Trixie Derpy Princess Celestia Rarity
mlp art Twilight Sparkle Applejack Rarity Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Fluttershy Princess Luna Princess Celestia Queen Chrysalis my little pony фэндомы minor royal CMC mane 6 Cranky Doodle Mare Do Well Pumpkin Cake Pipsqueak Pound Cake Flim Flam brothers Bulk Biceps Flitter Cloudchaser Fleur De Lis Granny Smith Diamond Tiara Daring Do Cheerilee Spitfire changeling Bon Bon Shining Armor Big Mac Princess Cadence Discord (mlp) Lyra Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Spike Scootaloo
Applejack Rarity Derpy Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Princess Celestia Princess Luna Rainbow Dash Scootaloo Twilight Sparkle my little pony фэндомы mlp pets CMC mane 6 minor royal Smile - Arranged for Strings & Percussion Seriosly though - this is ridiculous MusicByOctavia - Smile but if thou insist... Cranky Doodle Donkey and many others... Featherweigh Dance Fever loneling Hayseed Turnip Truck Colter Sobchak Jeff Letrotski Hugh Jelly Mr. Waddle Donny truffle shuffle twilight scepter stormwalker bugbear Gummy matilda Steven Magnet snowflake Allie Way Donut Joe Cranky Doodle Filthy Rich princess cadance Twist Amethyst Star Daisy Snips carrot cake Lily Valley Pumpkin Cake Pipsqueak Pound Cake Snails Bulk Biceps Mayor Mare Flitter Thunderlane Button Mash Aloe Lotus smile Cloudchaser Granny Smith Gummy (mlp) Braeburn Silver Spoon Berry Punch Diamond Tiara Cheerilee Roseluck Doctor Whooves Zecora changeling Bon Bon Shining Armor big macintosh mlp Art & Music Lyra Octavia Vinyl Scratch Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Spike
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Congratulations Friendship is Magic on 100 episodes!
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Тут небольшая превьюшка из грядущего сезона
UPD. + синопсис первой серии(двух)
"In the back-to-back premiere episodes titled “Celestial Advice” and “All Bottled Up,” Twilight Sparkle agonizes over Starlight Glimmer’s future and receives some much-needed advice from her very own mentor – Princess Celestia. While the Mane 6 are on a friendship retreat, Starlight Glimmer loses Twilight Sparkle’s friendship map. Afraid her anger might get out of control, Starlight Glimmer casts a calming spell while the ponies search for the lost map. "
aka Старлайт пропонивает карту и кастует успокаивающее заклинание на Твай(если я правильно понял), чтобы она не сердилась слишком сильно.
понификация mlp other my little pony фэндомы
Ну что мои маленькие фанаты, кому понификацию любимой команды? =)
mlp art Cheerilee minor Rarity mane 6 mlp traditional art philo5 my little pony фэндомы
Аннотация от автора:
I loved Rarity in her detective outfit. I realized that she had a potential foe already in the show: Cheerilee. Her 'Smooth Criminal' hat gave me the perfect excuse to create a little cat n' mouse game with our resident ponies.
Frenetic. The past two days were just that. She was hot on my tail and no matter what I did I just could not shake her. By now I’m sure she has a good idea of who it is she's pursuing. Not that I’d stop to ask her. No, my only goal was to stay one step ahead of her, literally and figuratively. But Sweet Celestia, she was making it difficult.
This whole mess began a week ago. I had stopped in Twilight’s castle to borrow a book. The princess was out so I spoke to her assistant. Spike took my request with all the enthusiasm and attention of baked potato learning calculus. I had clearly interrupted some other task or activity of his. Now, either I misinterpreted the rules on returning the book or he simply offered a shoddy explanation. That remains to be determined.
I took the book, expecting to return it in two weeks’ time. Somehow, none of that was not conveyed to Twilight.
I had taken the book with me when I had gone to visit a friend in Canterlot. It was there that I discovered that I was a suspect. I overheard gossip at a local cafe: One of the princess's favorite books had been stolen. Well isn't that just fine? I retreated to my hotel room, paranoid that everypony knew I was a fugitive. I paced, trying to calm myself. I looked out the window. Then I saw her. In the square below she stood out quite well in her detective outfit. That silly thing. Yet I knew she meant business. I left in haste.
I would be remiss if I failed to mention that I am wholly unaccustomed to being pursued in such a manner. Yet here I am, racing through dank alleyways in a part of Canterlot barely fit for Diamond Dogs. The posh and glamour of the city during the day dissipated into a fog of debauchery and grime during the night. How quaint. What worried me more than the grim and shady characters was that I found enjoyment in being chased. There was a thrill that teaching just couldn't provide.
I found I had to do more than just keep moving. Like a changeling at a costume party, I had to be everypony. Disguises became my friends. This little getup you see here is quite fetching, if I'm being honest. But fashion talk will have to wait. At this point I simply want to get back to Twilight before Rarity can find me. Then I'd win.
I could easily explain the situation to Twilight. She's amenable and forgiving of misunderstanding. Rarity, however, would be less likely to believe such a tale. Congenial and understanding is her natural state. When she plays detective, however, she becomes less hospitable to stories and alibis, no matter their veracity. I’m not allowing myself to be turned in like some common criminal. Therefore, I run.