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i am so sorry

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Daybreaker minor mlp art i love hurt ...my little pony фэндомы 

Daybreaker,minor,второстепенные персонажи,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp art,i love hurt,Daybreaker,minor,my little pony,fandoms,mlp art,i love hurt

mlp art Cheerilee minor Rarity mane 6 mlp traditional art philo5 ...my little pony фэндомы 

 _Л 1 ■f? « j 4 .«f ■ пГГ ’ A'4u* ^ -' /лй • i * *' v^V' .O1 »' i к \ 1\ ГТ. и'ЛЧ / j rú ' >P1 *, ¿лйвЯШ ВДгЗЗД V- '■,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Cheerilee,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Rarity,Рэрити,mane 6,mlp traditional art,philo5

Аннотация от автора:

I loved Rarity in her detective outfit.  I realized that she had a potential foe already in the show: Cheerilee.  Her 'Smooth Criminal' hat gave me the perfect excuse to create a little cat n' mouse game with our resident ponies. 

Frenetic.  The past two days were just that.  She was hot on my tail and no matter what I did I just could not shake her.  By now I’m sure she has a good idea of who it is she's pursuing.  Not that I’d stop to ask her.  No, my only goal was to stay one step ahead of her, literally and figuratively.  But Sweet Celestia, she was making it difficult.

This whole mess began a week ago.  I had stopped in Twilight’s castle to borrow a book.  The princess was out so I spoke to her assistant.  Spike took my request with all the enthusiasm and attention of baked potato learning calculus.  I had clearly interrupted some other task or activity of his.  Now, either I misinterpreted the rules on returning the book or he simply offered a shoddy explanation.  That remains to be determined.

I took the book, expecting to return it in two weeks’ time.  Somehow, none of that was not conveyed to Twilight. 

I had taken the book with me when I had gone to visit a friend in Canterlot.  It was there that I discovered that I was a suspect. I overheard gossip at a local cafe: One of the princess's favorite books had been stolen.  Well isn't that just fine?  I retreated to my hotel room, paranoid that everypony knew I was a fugitive.  I paced, trying to calm myself.  I looked out the window.  Then I saw her.  In the square below she stood out quite well in her detective outfit.  That silly thing.  Yet I knew she meant business.  I left in haste.         

I would be remiss if I failed to mention that I am wholly unaccustomed to being pursued in such a manner.  Yet here I am, racing through dank alleyways in a part of Canterlot barely fit for Diamond Dogs.  The posh and glamour of the city during the day dissipated into a fog of debauchery and grime during the night.  How quaint. What worried me more than the grim and shady characters was that I found enjoyment in being chased.  There was a thrill that teaching just couldn't provide. 

I found I had to do more than just keep moving.  Like a changeling at a costume party, I had to be everypony.  Disguises became my friends.  This little getup you see here is quite fetching, if I'm being honest.  But fashion talk will have to wait.  At this point I simply want to get back to Twilight before Rarity can find me.  Then I'd win.

I could easily explain the situation to Twilight.  She's amenable and forgiving of misunderstanding.  Rarity, however, would be less likely to believe such a tale.  Congenial and understanding is her natural state.  When she plays detective, however, she becomes less hospitable to stories and alibis, no matter their veracity. I’m not allowing myself to be turned in like some common criminal.  Therefore, I run.


Ponyhammer Warhammer 40000 Wh Песочница Techpriest Adeptus Mechanicus Imperium mlp блоги ask-littlebeam длиннопост mlp OC ...my little pony фэндомы Wh Crossover Wh Other 

Итак, появился новый аск-блог по понихаммеру, ask-littlebeam. Пока что там почти ничего нет, но выглядит интересно.

Ponyhammer,понихаммер, пони вархаммер, ,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Techpriest,Техножрец,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Imperium,Империум,mlp блоги,my little pony,Мой маленький

“Evening equestrian citizens! My name is Little beam. I am Enginseer and a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus. I voyage through space as the repair mare of gears and parts of all sorts. If you have request for service or have question a question for me, drop your inquiry into the so called ask box.”

assassinpony1234 said: So little beam do you mostly repair mechanical stuff like engines machines guns tanks and other stuff? Or do you sometimes repair electrical appliances Greetings venerable enginseer. Will you share a little more about yourself with us? Where amongst the many vast sectors

Ponyhammer,понихаммер, пони вархаммер, ,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Techpriest,Техножрец,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Imperium,Империум,mlp блоги,my little pony,Мой маленький


Ponyhammer,понихаммер, пони вархаммер, ,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Techpriest,Техножрец,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Imperium,Империум,mlp блоги,my little pony,Мой маленький

There is much more that j do oh occasions FROM TECH IHVESTIGATIOH TO ACCOMPAHF AGEHTS OF THE IHOUISITIOH. У ES / AM IMPORTAME,Ponyhammer,понихаммер, пони вархаммер, ,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh

Ponyhammer,понихаммер, пони вархаммер, ,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Techpriest,Техножрец,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Imperium,Империум,mlp блоги,my little pony,Мой маленький

Ponyhammer,понихаммер, пони вархаммер, ,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Techpriest,Техножрец,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Imperium,Империум,mlp блоги,my little pony,Мой маленький

Ponyhammer,понихаммер, пони вархаммер, ,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Techpriest,Техножрец,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Imperium,Империум,mlp блоги,my little pony,Мой маленький

Ponyhammer,понихаммер, пони вархаммер, ,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Techpriest,Техножрец,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Imperium,Империум,mlp блоги,my little pony,Мой маленький

/OUR PRESEME HAS МУ CURRE HT CURIOS/Т/J,Ponyhammer,понихаммер, пони вархаммер, ,Wh Crossover,Wh Other,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Techpriest,Техножрец,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус

Quote of the day:

“Remember citizens to BEE-lieve in yourselves!”


Queen Chrysalis minor mlp art i love hurt ...my little pony фэндомы 

Queen Chrysalis,Королева Крисалис,minor,второстепенные персонажи,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp art,i love hurt,Queen Chrysalis,minor,my little pony,fandoms,mlp art,i love hurt

Rainbow Dash mane 6 mlp art i love hurt ...my little pony фэндомы 

Rainbow Dash,Рэйнбоу Дэш,mane 6,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp art,i love hurt,Rainbow Dash,mane 6,my little pony,fandoms,mlp art,i love hurt

Princess Celestia royal mlp anthro eropony mlp art i love hurt ...my little pony фэндомы 

Princess Celestia,Принцесса Селестия,royal,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp anthro,eropony,mlp art,i love hurt,Princess Celestia,mlp royal,my little pony,fandoms,mlp anthro,eropony,mlp art,i love hurt

Scootaloo CMC minor mlp песочница mlp art mlp Art & Music mlp sad ...my little pony фэндомы 

Scootaloo,Скуталу,CMC,Метконосцы, меткоискатели,minor,второстепенные персонажи,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,mlp песочница,фэндомы,mlp art,mlp Art & Music,mlp sad

♬Оригинал:♬ ♬Перевод:♬

I feel like I'm
A million miles away
From myself
More and more these days
I've been down
So many open roads
But they never lead me home
And now I just don't know
Who I really am
How it's gonna be
Is there something that I can't see?
I wanna understand.

Maybe I will never be
Who I was before,
Maybe I don't know her anymore,
Maybe who I am today
Ain't so far from yesterday
Can I find a way to be?
Every part of me.

So I'll try
Try to sort things out
And find myself
Get my feet back on the ground
It'll take time
But I know I'll be alright
Cuz nothing much has changed
On the inside
It's hard to figure out
How it's gonna be
Cuz I don't really know now
I wanna understand.

Maybe I will never be
Who I was before,
Maybe I don't know her anymore,
Maybe who I am today
Ain't so far from yesterday
Can I find a way to be?
Every part of me.

I don't wanna wait too long
To find out where I'm meant to belong
I've always wanted to be where I am today
But I never thought I'd feel this way.

Maybe I will never be
Who I was before,
Maybe I don't know her anymore,
Maybe who I am today
Ain't so far from yesterday
Can I find a way to be?
Every part of me.
Every part of me!

Ощущение, будто миллионы миль
Отделяют меня от самой себя все больше с каждым днем.
Я прошла по стольким дорогам,
Но ни одна из них не привела меня к дому.
И теперь я даже не знаю...

Кто я на самом деле?
Как все должно быть?
Есть ли что-то, чего я не замечаю?
Я хочу понять.

Может, мне больше и не стать
Той, кем я была раньше.
Может, я ее уже даже и не знаю.
Или все-таки та, кто я сейчас
Не столь далеко ушла от той, какой я была вчера.
Смогу ли я найти способ жить каждой частичкой себя?

Я попытаюсь... попытаюсь приостановиться.
И найти себя... вновь твердо встать на землю.
На это потребуется время, но я знаю, у меня все получится.
Ведь не так много изменилось... у меня внутри.

Так сложно понять,
Как все должно быть.
Ведь теперь я ни в чем не уверена.
Я хочу разобраться.

Может, мне больше и не стать
Той, кем я была раньше.
Может, я ее уже даже и не знаю.
Или все-таки та, кто я сейчас
Не столь далеко ушла от той, какой я была вчера.
Смогу ли я найти способ жить каждой частичкой себя?

Не хочу ждать слишком долго,
Чтобы понять, где я должна быть.
Я всегда мечтала оказаться там, где я сейчас,
Но никогда не думала,
Что буду себя чувствовать именно так.

Может, мне больше и не стать
Той, кем я была раньше.
Может, я ее уже даже и не знаю.
Или все-таки та, кто я сейчас
Не столь далеко ушла от той, какой я была вчера.
Смогу ли я найти способ жить каждой частичкой себя?


mlp art Equestria girls Pinkie Pie mane 6 Maud Pie minor Мемы The-Butch-X Why dis look so mad ...my little pony фэндомы 

The-ßulcher-X,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp art,Equestria girls,Pinkie Pie,Пинки Пай,mane 6,Maud Pie,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Мемы,Мемосы, мемасы, мемосики, мемесы,The-Butch-X,my little pony,fandoms,mlp art,equestria girls,Pinkie Pie,mane 6,Maud


mlp video mlp OC ...my little pony фэндомы 

I can do enything better then you...

mlp музыка PON3 ...my little pony фэндомы 

3 incredible years of making music for all of you out there has never been so full and amazing... Feels like it was yesterday since my first songs were officialy published and certainly is lovely to look back to all the fun we had and newcomers have yet to discover.

Living the dream of my life every day is something i would never believe is possible before, but thanks to all of you, it is more than possible. The best way to share at least a fraction of the feeling is through the music itself and i am more than glad to do so.

Therefore, may this be a special track for the celebration of 3rd anniversary with all of us being together.

Never forget one thing - I Love you all my wublies!

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