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mlp art music rainbow dash twilight
»Rainbow Dash Applejack Pinkie Pie Trixie Fluttershy Rarity Princess Luna Queen Chrysalis Twilight Sparkle Princess Celestia my little pony фэндомы CMC Batpony minor royal mane 6 Ms. Peachbottom Philomena owlowiscious Opalescence Winona Gummy Little Strongheart Cranky Doodle Apple Fritter Breezie Mare Do Well parasprite Cherry Jubilee Iron Will Diamond Dog (mlp) Smarty Pants Ms. Harshwhinny Pumpkin Cake Pipsqueak Pound Cake Bulk Biceps Photo Finish Tank (mlp) Cheese Sandwich Tirek mlp flash Lightning Dust Granny Smith Babs Seed Braeburn Daring Do Cheerilee Coco Pommel Gilda Zecora Maud Pie Flutterbat King Sombra Shining Armor Big Mac Nightmare Moon Princess Cadence Discord (mlp) Fan-art Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Spike Scootaloo
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mlp art mlp милитаризм mlp гримдарк mlp шиппинг mlp anthro Applejack mane 6 Rainbow Dash Twilight Sparkle nevaproblematic my little pony фэндомы
Pinky infected Rainbow, but her element of harmony loyalty helped her take control of the virus and while it’s not at a strong stage, she helps Twilight with her experiments and protects Apple on the farm
by nevaproblematic
by nevaproblematic