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no one like you

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mlp gif Batpony mlp OC Royal guard minor mlp милитаризм ...my little pony фэндомы 

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp gif,Batpony,Бэтпони,mlp OC ,Royal guard,Королевская стража,minor,второстепенные персонажи,mlp милитаризм
"It was raining. Pouring, really, because of course it was. They don't have the guts to attack us in broad daylight. That's why the crews are usually mixed - we have better night sight, unicorns have magic. Where was I...? Oh yes... We were both soaked to the bone, but we kept watching the sky, firing shot after another, the gun shaking with recoil -"
"Hang on, recoil? Doesn't it fire laser or something?"
"What's a... laser?"
"It's... well, basically, a really bright, concentrated beam of light."
"That sounds like something the Princess would use."
"Hm, yes."
"But... no. The projectiles are actually something called 'plasma'. It's kinda technical."
"Plasma? Plasma of what? It's red, so maybe nitrogen from the atmosphere... But how do you even feed enough energy into that thing? You'd need like... a star or something! Not that a laser would be much better, when I think about it. The waste heat alone should torch the whole gun -"
"Hey! Look, I don't know all the details! I aim, I correct, and I shoot. The spotter is usually the one powering the gun, and doing most of the maintenance. All I do is 'Hold this here' and 'Don't touch that!'."
"Right. Sorry. I just thought I'd learn something really groundbreaking."
"I get it. Heh. You unicorns are all the same when it comes to these things. All I know is that it's something to do with the channeling crystals. It takes time to charge them up, and they eventually stop working all together. Just go find a group of spotters in a pub, and they'll ramble your ears off with environmental factors, cool down periods, recharge times, magic flows, ignition energies... Ugh. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap. Where was I?"
"It was a dark and stormy night?"
"Right! It was a dark and stormy night..."


mlp art Cheerilee minor Rarity mane 6 mlp traditional art philo5 ...my little pony фэндомы 

 _Л 1 ■f? « j 4 .«f ■ пГГ ’ A'4u* ^ -' /лй • i * *' v^V' .O1 »' i к \ 1\ ГТ. и'ЛЧ / j rú ' >P1 *, ¿лйвЯШ ВДгЗЗД V- '■,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Cheerilee,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Rarity,Рэрити,mane 6,mlp traditional art,philo5

Аннотация от автора:

I loved Rarity in her detective outfit.  I realized that she had a potential foe already in the show: Cheerilee.  Her 'Smooth Criminal' hat gave me the perfect excuse to create a little cat n' mouse game with our resident ponies. 

Frenetic.  The past two days were just that.  She was hot on my tail and no matter what I did I just could not shake her.  By now I’m sure she has a good idea of who it is she's pursuing.  Not that I’d stop to ask her.  No, my only goal was to stay one step ahead of her, literally and figuratively.  But Sweet Celestia, she was making it difficult.

This whole mess began a week ago.  I had stopped in Twilight’s castle to borrow a book.  The princess was out so I spoke to her assistant.  Spike took my request with all the enthusiasm and attention of baked potato learning calculus.  I had clearly interrupted some other task or activity of his.  Now, either I misinterpreted the rules on returning the book or he simply offered a shoddy explanation.  That remains to be determined.

I took the book, expecting to return it in two weeks’ time.  Somehow, none of that was not conveyed to Twilight. 

I had taken the book with me when I had gone to visit a friend in Canterlot.  It was there that I discovered that I was a suspect. I overheard gossip at a local cafe: One of the princess's favorite books had been stolen.  Well isn't that just fine?  I retreated to my hotel room, paranoid that everypony knew I was a fugitive.  I paced, trying to calm myself.  I looked out the window.  Then I saw her.  In the square below she stood out quite well in her detective outfit.  That silly thing.  Yet I knew she meant business.  I left in haste.         

I would be remiss if I failed to mention that I am wholly unaccustomed to being pursued in such a manner.  Yet here I am, racing through dank alleyways in a part of Canterlot barely fit for Diamond Dogs.  The posh and glamour of the city during the day dissipated into a fog of debauchery and grime during the night.  How quaint. What worried me more than the grim and shady characters was that I found enjoyment in being chased.  There was a thrill that teaching just couldn't provide. 

I found I had to do more than just keep moving.  Like a changeling at a costume party, I had to be everypony.  Disguises became my friends.  This little getup you see here is quite fetching, if I'm being honest.  But fashion talk will have to wait.  At this point I simply want to get back to Twilight before Rarity can find me.  Then I'd win.

I could easily explain the situation to Twilight.  She's amenable and forgiving of misunderstanding.  Rarity, however, would be less likely to believe such a tale.  Congenial and understanding is her natural state.  When she plays detective, however, she becomes less hospitable to stories and alibis, no matter their veracity. I’m not allowing myself to be turned in like some common criminal.  Therefore, I run.


mlp music Aviators ...my little pony фэндомы 

Aviators - Chaos Theory (MLP Song)

Авиаторы наконец-то записали новую песню по MLP.

Текст в комментах.

Annotation:  At this point, I've done a Discord song on almost every album. Spirit of Chaos, Monster, Shadows, Crash, The Surface, and now this for the latest album. This song is an Ashes-type origin story, and a dark look into a fictional Discord that became cold and evil due to rejection (the same premise as "Monster").


Rainbow Dash mane 6 Scootaloo CMC minor mlp Art & Music mlp art mlp милитаризм ...my little pony фэндомы 

"This is not the end"

Rainbow Dash,Рэйнбоу Дэш,mane 6,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Scootaloo,Скуталу,CMC,Метконосцы, меткоискатели,minor,второстепенные персонажи,mlp Art & Music,mlp art,mlp милитаризм

It's not like I'm walking alone
Into the valley of shadow of death 
Stand beside one another, cuz it ain't over yet
I'd be willing to bet that if we don't back down
You and I will be the ones that are holding the crown in the end
When it's over, we can say, "Well done"
But not yet, 'cause it's only begun
So, pick up, and follow me, we're the only ones 
To fight this thing, until we've won
We drive on and don't look back
It doesn't mean we can't learn from our past
All the things that we might 've done wrong
We could've been doing this all along

Everybody, with your fists raised high
Let me hear your battle cry tonight
Stand beside, or step aside
We're on the frontline

And we'll be carrying on, 
Until the day it doesn't matter anymore
Step aside, you forgot what this is for
We fight to live, we live to fight
And tonight, you'll hear my battle cry
We live our lives on the frontlines
We're not afraid of the fast times
These days have opened up my eyes
And now, I see where the threat lies

Everybody, with your fists raised high
Let me hear your battle cry tonight
Stand beside, or step aside
We're on the frontline

Я не буду один, когда пойду
Долиной смертной тени.
Мы будем вместе, потому что это ещё не конец.
Готов поспорить, что если мы не отступим,
Ты и я будем теми, кто пронесёт корону до конца.
Когда всё закончится, мы скажем: "Хорошо сработано!"
Но ещё рано, это только начало.
Так что соберись и следуй за мной, мы единственные,
Кто будет бороться с этим до победного конца.
Мы идём вперёд, не оглядываясь,
Но это не значит, что прошлое ничему нас не учит:
Всё то, что мы, возможно, сделали ошибочно,
Могло бы повторяться раз за разом.

Вы все, поднявшие кулаки высоко в небо,
Дайте мне услышать ваш боевой клич!
Встаньте рядом или отойдите -
Мы на линии фронта.

Мы будем продолжать до тех пор, 
Пока в один день всё станет неважно.
Отойди, ты забыл ради чего это всё.
Мы боремся ради жизни, мы живём ради борьбы.
И сегодня ночью ты услышишь мой боевой клич.
Мы живём на линии фронта,
Мы не боимся быстрого течения времени.
Эти дни открыли мне глаза,
И теперь я вижу, где находится угроза.

Вы все, поднявшие кулаки высоко в небо,
Дайте мне услышать ваш боевой клич!
Встаньте рядом или отойдите -
Мы на линии фронта.

"Not so loyal anymore"

Rainbow Dash,Рэйнбоу Дэш,mane 6,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Scootaloo,Скуталу,CMC,Метконосцы, меткоискатели,minor,второстепенные персонажи,mlp Art & Music,mlp art,mlp милитаризм

Late at night I could hear the crying
I hear it all trying to fall asleep
When all the love around you is dying

How do you stay so strong?
How did you hide it all for so long?
How can I take the pain away?
How can I save...

A fallen angel in the dark?
Never thought you'd fall so far
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight
Fallen angel

You do it all for my own protection
You make me feel like I'll be OK
Still I have so many questions

How do you stay so strong?
How did you hide it all for so long?
How can I take the pain away?
How can I save...

A fallen angel in the dark?
Never thought you'd fall so far
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight
Fallen angel, just let go
You don't have to be alone
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight

I was right beside you
When you went to hell and back again
I was right beside you
When you went to hell and back again
And I can save a fallen angel

A fallen angel in the dark
Never thought you'd fall so far
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight
Fallen angel, just let go
You don't have to be alone
Fallen angel, close your eyes
I won't let you fall tonight
Fallen angel

Поздней ночью я слышу плач,
Я слышу его, пытаясь заснуть.
Когда всё любовь вокруг тебя умирает,

Как ты сумела остаться такой сильной?
Как ты смогла скрываться так долго?
Как мне утолить боль?
Как мне спасти...

Ангела, упавшего в темноту?
Я никогда не думал, что ты так далеко.
Падший ангел, закрой глаза,
Я не дам тебе пасть сегодня ночью.
Падший ангел...

Ты делаешь все это, чтобы защитить меня,
Ты уверяешь меня, что я буду в порядке.
Но у меня по прежнему полно вопросов:

Как ты сумела остаться такой сильной?
Как ты смогла скрываться так долго?
Как мне утолить боль?
Как мне спасти...

Ангела, упавшего в темноту?
Я никогда не думал, что ты так далеко.
Падший ангел, закрой глаза,
Я не дам тебе пасть сегодня ночью.
Падший ангел, просто отпусти,
Ты никогда не будешь одинока.
Падший ангел, закрой глаза,
Я не дам тебе пасть сегодня ночью.

Я был рядом с тобой,
Когда ты отправилась в ад и вернулась.
Я был рядом с тобой,
Когда ты отправилась в ад и вернулась.
И я могу спасти падшего ангела.

Ангел, падший в темноту,
Я никогда не думал, что ты так далеко.
Падший ангел, закрой глаза,
Я не дам тебе пасть сегодня ночью.
Падший ангел, просто отпусти,
Ты никогда не будешь одинока.
Падший ангел, закрой глаза,
Я не дам тебе пасть сегодня ночью.
Падший ангел...


mlp видео mlp музыка ...my little pony 


mlp traditional art Spike Fluttershy Rarity Rainbow Dash Applejack Pinkie Pie Sunset Shimmer Starlight Glimmer Twilight Sparkle ...my little pony фэндомы mlp art minor mane 6 


mlp Art & Music Princess Celestia royal Nightmare Moon minor Shadowbolts wonderbolts ...my little pony фэндомы 

mlp Art & Music,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Princess Celestia,Принцесса Селестия,royal,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Shadowbolts,wonderbolts,mlp Art & Music,my little pony,fandoms,Princess Celestia,mlp royal,Nightmare Moon,minor,shadowbolts,wonderbolts

mlp музыка Daybreaker minor Jyc Row ...my little pony фэндомы 

Ave true princess

mlp gif Applejack mane 6 ...my little pony фэндомы 


Pinkie Pie mane 6 Rainbow Dash Fluttershy Rarity Twilight Sparkle mlp gif Equestria girls ...my little pony фэндомы 

Pinkie Pie,Пинки Пай,mane 6,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Rainbow Dash,Рэйнбоу Дэш,Fluttershy,Флаттершай,Rarity,Рэрити,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mlp gif,Equestria girls,Pinkie Pie,mane 6,my little pony,fandoms,Rainbow Dash,Fluttershy,Rarity,Twilight Sparkle,mlp gif,equestria girls
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