shining armor luna
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mlp art Rarity Rainbow Dash Fluttershy Twilight Sparkle Pinkamena Diane Pie Princess Luna Princess Celestia красивые картинки meme my little pony фэндомы royal mane 6 minor bon bon is not amused looking at each other irrational exuberance wrong neighborhood exploitable meme professionalism nightmare fuel looking at you betty bouffant special eyes ear piercing lined paper waifu thief flower trio sunglasses messy mane berryshine unamused soarin' Mnuette faic wonderbolts uniform teddie safari Doctor Horse fancypants chickadee earring smiling rhyme brad tear flower wishes Silver Shill sibsy Sheriff Silverstar Ms. Peachbottom Sweetie Drops doctor stable ugly jewelry Stellar Eclipse Coriander Cumin stormwalker safe Cloud Kicker Fleur-de-Lis rara Whoa Nelly hat weeds DJ Pon-3 Lotus Blossom drunk Octavia Melody Peachbottom Rumble derp snowflake Donut Joe Cloudkicker Seabreeze Tender Taps Mane Goodall Hondo Flanks Featherweight Friendship is magic Breezie Fancy Pants headphones Hoity Toity Trenderhoof Party Favor Lemon Hearts colgate Lily Twist Sassy Saddles Cherry Jubilee Amethyst Star Sapphire Shores Daisy Troubleshoes Clyde Blossomforth Wild Fire Saffron Masala Snips Lily Valley Night Glider Ms. Harshwhinny Pipsqueak Double Diamond Snails Bulk Biceps Night Light Fleetfoot Mayor Mare Sugar Belle Flitter Cheese Sandwich Thunderlane Aloe Lotus Flash Sentry Tree Hugger Cloudchaser Fleur De Lis nurse Countess Coloratura Lightning Dust nurse redheart Twilight Velvet Minuette Moondancer Silver Spoon Berry Punch Limestone Pie Diamond Tiara Cheerilee Coco Pommel Marble Pie Roseluck Princess Ember Zecora Spitfire Maud Pie Bon Bon monochrome Shining Armor piercing Princess Cadence Lyra Octavia Vinyl Scratch Spike Traditional art derpy hooves
mlp песочница mlp art Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Applejack Rarity Princess Luna Princess Celestia my little pony фэндомы CMC minor mane 6 royal Marmalade Jalapeno Nightlight Velvet Mrs. Harshwhinny Mrs Peachbottom Crescent Moon Apple Strudel Igneous Rocks Berry Icicle Minty Apple Holey Moley Fire Blaze Mr Breezy Red Gala Fiola Apple Dumpling Cherry Fizzy Parish Nandermane Half Baked Apple mr cake Frederic Horseshoepin Golden Delicious Sassaflash Uncle Orange mrs cake Concerto Florina Noteworthy aunt orange apple cider Candy Apple Candy Mane misty fly Symphony Apple Bumpkin Prince Blueblood Beauty Brass snowflake Peachy Donut Joe Hondo Flanks Featherweight Caesar Filthy Rich Sea Swirl Apple Fritter Fancy Pants Cloudy Quartz Hoity Toity Caramel Twist Cherry Jubilee Sapphire Shores Daisy Blossomforth Wild Fire Snips Screwball Lily Valley Pumpkin Cake Pipsqueak Pound Cake Snails flam Photo Finish Mayor Mare Flitter Aloe Lotus Flash Sentry Cloudchaser Fleur De Lis Carrot Top Lightning Dust Granny Smith Twilight Velvet Minuette Babs Seed Braeburn Silver Spoon Royal guard Berry Punch Limestone Pie Diamond Tiara Daring Do Cheerilee Soarin Marble Pie Roseluck Dr Whooves Spitfire Bon Bon Shining Armor Big Mac Princess Cadence Sunset Shimmer Lyra Octavia Vinyl Scratch Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Scootaloo Trixie Pearl (SU) Derpy
mlp test my little pony
mlp музыка Jeff Burgess my little pony фэндомы
Jeff Burgess (ft. Starbreeis) - Hey Foal Sitter
★ lyrics ★
Hey hey hey
The ketchup stains
On your sweatshirt that would stop the rain
I didn't quite have to ask you
And so I wore a mask to hide my blush
Your sweet smile gleamed
Luna noticed you in the next dream I dreamed
My somepony was decided
But I knew I had to hide it
You'd mock my crush
Hey foal sitter
Saw your heart it glitters
On your cutie mark
'Caused a spark
Within my heart
I do remark
Hey foal sitter
I don't wanna flitter
But I'm so afraid to try tonight
Hey hey hey
The big school dance
I'm so glad that you would give me a first chance
I felt our love was blooming
But I am so assuming
I'm losing my mind I I I I
I'm so obsessed
Your mane is perfect and your suit is primmed and pressed
I wanna dance with you, I'm a mare and you're a stallion
And I'm sending out batallions
to make you mine
Hey foal sitter
Saw your heart it glitters
On your cutie mark
'Caused a spark
Within my heart
I do remark
Hey foal sitter
I don't wanna flitter
But I'm so afraid to try tonight
Hey Cadance I'm afraid
Can I tell you the feelings that I've made?
So nervous, I can't talk
Does she see my hooves shake when we walk?
You see I can tell my feelings finally
As the dance lets out, it's you and me
Under the moonlit sky when you kissed me
Hey foal sitter
Saw your heart it glitters
On your cutie mark
'Caused a spark
Within my heart
I do remark
Hey foal sitter
I don't wanna flitter
But I'm so afraid to try tonight
Hey Hey Hey
mlp art Octavia minor my little pony фэндомы
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Кроме того, достаточно в тегах написать имя персонажа и теги mane 6, royal или minor проставяться автоматически. Правда действует это не для всех имен, список я выложу в комментариях (или же зайдите в один из вышеупомянутых трех тегов, как раз узнаете, какая поняша на джое самая популярная :D). Если на картинке большое количество персонажей, не обязательно прописывать их всех, достаточно написать mane 6, royal или minor.
И, ввиду технических изменений, теги с 18 февраля по 1 марта не заполнялись. Но это проблема скоро решится. Придётся пока полностью довериться гуглопоиску (хотя находит он не всегда) или просто пробегитесь по постам на последних нескольких страницах, а то бывает, что баянят картинки, которые располагаются несколькими постами ниже.
Если что-то не понятно, пишите в комментариях.
Рандомная картинка.