mlp sad

mlp sad

Подписчиков: 40     Сообщений: 2156     Рейтинг постов: 13,075.7

mlp art mlp OC mlp sad mlp clothes little pony фэндомы 


mlp art King Sombra minor mlp sad little pony фэндомы 

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mlp art Applejack mane 6 mlp sad mlp crossover little pony фэндомы 

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mlp Art & Music mlp музыка Princess Luna royal mlp sad mlp royal little pony фэндомы 

Luna's Let It Go

Artist: AwkwardMarina

Track: Luna's Let It Go (Frozen cover)

mlp Art & Music,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp музыка,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp sad,mlp Art & Music,my little pony,fandoms,,Princess Luna,mlp royal,mlp sad,mlp royal


Princess Celestia royal mlp песочница Discord (mlp) minor mlp комикс mlp sad mlp крипота little pony фэндомы 

She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in m And I have an appreciation for be\0 ty... à M' /'/ ,1. m i 1 iM' // Kf ta / 1 IM W / ii ¿A \\\| I was in love with her. But I was naive... How could she ever love someone like me? But I thought she would be different... I thought...

I became a monster... And you know what \ A l>XH iM^BK I realized that Order was not something that was meant for me I realized that trying to fit into Order was a waste of time. X? " - mk NT •0% % A terrible waste of time, really. ’M, And so, what is the only thing... ...that was

Chaos is perfection. And for the next several centuries... ...I practiced its glorious perfection. Practice makes perfect, after all. Small Chaos. Medium Chaos. All sizes of Chaos! But my favorite type of Chaos? Plain old Mortal Chaos The misfortunes of the weak... So many wonderful

Unfortunately... There was one problem. The alicorns. They have no sense of humor... They didn't like how I was corrupting their precious little ponies. e alicorns view themselves as morally superior.. they fee. and act as though they have the "authority" to protect the weak... in motion

Two pretty little princesses survived I don't know how Together, with their magic... They restored Order. , . My world was destroyed My creation... ruined They used that wretched alicorn magic of theirs... They summoned the rain and the sunlight. Plants started to grow. The famine was

last thing I saw... Unimaginable But you know. what the worst part was? Being turned to stone is quite horrific experience... The pain?,Princess Celestia,Принцесса Селестия,royal,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,mlp песочница,фэндомы,Discord (mlp),minor,второстепенные персонажи,mlp


Pinkie Pie mane 6 mlp art mlp sad little pony фэндомы 


mlp art Rarity mane 6 mlp sad little pony фэндомы 

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Pinkamena Diane Pie mane 6 mlp sad mlp art mlp Art & Music little pony фэндомы 

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mlp Art & Music mlp музыка Aviators darkpen Twilight Sparkle mane 6 mlp sad little pony фэндомы 

End of loyalty

Autor: TeiThePony&Aviators(feat. Bronyfied)

Title: End of Loyalty

Art by InuHoshi-to-DarkPen

(с) Tarnóczai Bianka “InuHoshi to DarkPen" 2013,mlp Art & Music,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp музыка,Aviators,darkpen,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,mlp sad

Scootaloo CMC minor mlp art mlp Art & Music mlp sad mlp крипота little pony фэндомы 

"HiScoots Dilemma"

Scootaloo,Скуталу,CMC,Метконосцы, меткоискатели,minor,второстепенные персонажи,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp art,mlp Art & Music,mlp sad,mlp крипота

We lust for honeysuckle, strangers
Life's trawl pages, pick thin thing
Tempted by the naked eye, morning sunrise
I want air, need it like a supplicant

Darkened skin afraid to see
Radiate open lips, keep smiling for me
Darkened skin afraid to see
Radiate open lips, keep smiling for me

We lust called honeysuckle, let's get freckles
I can't take tranquilize
On my lips under your feet

Darkened skin afraid to see
Radiate open lips, keep smiling for me
Darkened skin afraid to see
Radiate open lips, keep smiling for me

(Darkened skin afraid to see
Radiate open lips, keep smiling for me...)

Мы жаждим медовое дерево, незнакомцы,
Жизнь тащила страницы, выбрав вещи, тонкие как бумага.
Защищенная невооружённым глазом, жемчужный рассвет...
Я хочу воздух, мне он нужен, как просителю.

Потемневшая кожа, боюсь смотреть
Сияние, открытые губы, продолжай улыбаться для меня.
Потемневшая кожа, боюсь смотреть
Сияние, открытые губы, продолжай улыбаться для меня.

Мы жаждим называться медовым деревом, давай веснушки...
Я не могу успокоиться
На своих губах под ногами.

Потемневшая кожа, боюсь смотреть
Сияние, открытые губы, продолжай улыбаться для меня.
Потемневшая кожа, боюсь смотреть
Сияние, открытые губы, продолжай улыбаться для меня.

(Потемневшая кожа, боюсь смотреть
Сияние, открытые губы, продолжай улыбаться для меня...)

Картинки, арты, комиксы, фанфики, посвященные mlp sad (+2156 картинок, рейтинг 13,075.7 - mlp sad)