Давайте подумаем логически: раз в аннотации автора отсутствуют упоминания о Старвирле, то перед нами изображён Original Character. (При условии, если не будем впадать в СПГС)
Аннотация от автора: Probably the most powerful unicorn who has ever lived in the world of Equestria. There`re thousands of legends and rumors about him. But hardly a few know the truth of how he lived and died. Although, one of the legend says that this great mage had a diary which he always brought with him, but never let anyone to watch it. Even the sisters have never had a look at it. Who knows what kind of powerful magic or dark secret were written there. Will be it great luck or great curse for the one who will find it?. However it`s just a legend or is it?...
The little thing I`ve drawn because of my greediness
Почти одновременно написали комментарии. Вообще стоит продолжать разговор, или мы так в тупик уйдём. (Я склоняюсь ко второму, ибо начинаю фигню нести).
Probably the most powerful unicorn who has ever lived in the world of Equestria. There`re thousands of legends and rumors about him. But hardly a few know the truth of how he lived and died. Although, one of the legend says that this great mage had a diary which he always brought with him, but never let anyone to watch it. Even the sisters have never had a look at it. Who knows what kind of powerful magic or dark secret were written there. Will be it great luck or great curse for the one who will find it?. However it`s just a legend or is it?...
The little thing I`ve drawn because of my greediness
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