Applejack (Эпплджек) :: mane 6 :: mlp блоги :: my little pony (Мой маленький пони) :: Big Apple Pony :: фэндомы

mlp блоги Big Apple Pony Applejack mane 6 little pony фэндомы 

siryl said:
You can't fit in an outhouse, so how do you...y'know...?

Anonymous said:
So. .. bigger pony means bigger meals. Bigger meals means bigger outhouse. How exactly did you deal with that?
Anonymous said:
Afraid to ask but since your so big now what do you do when you need to go

mlp блоги,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Big Apple Pony,Applejack,Эпплджек,mane 6

siryl said: You can't fit in an outhouse, so how do you...y'know...? Anonymous said: So. .. bigger pony means bigger meals. Bigger meals means bigger outhouse. How exactly did you deal with that? ... Anonymous said: Afraid to ask but since your so big now what do you do when you need to go to the bathroom? Anonymous said: so urn..this is crude but well bathroom issues? special out house maybe? brony250 said: Almost afraid to ask AJ but since your so big now what happend when you need to go the bathroom? Anonymous said: Would using the bathroom present some unique challenges for a mare of your size? That’s potentially a lot of... horse apples. Anonymous said: Where does she use the bathroom?

mlp блоги,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Big Apple Pony,Applejack,Эпплджек,mane 6
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Где же мой бесплатный купон на вызов Капитана Перевода?...
SPQR SPQR 25.02.201619:10 ответить ссылка 0.0
Её спрашивают как она с таким размером справляет нужду. Отвечает мол переваривает всё без остатка да ещё есть всё время охота.
wait wat?
Благодарствую, добрый человек =)
SPQR SPQR 25.02.201621:05 ответить ссылка 0.0
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askdigitalart said:
so do you regret participating in the pillow fight? SooA- as ^;+ч

She -Prxed H up
^or fOe *	-
SWt'S Ье*л aiC^ l«+i' trevorrain said:	
Rarity, who so nice to Applejack?	••• ^
m2pt5 said:
Has Rarity made you any other colossal clothes? A gargantuan Gala gown, maybe?
jaded-hearts-pony said:
Have you thought of asking Rarity to make you some clothes as a joke?

Anonymous said:
Hello! If ordinary mare hoof si

mlp блоги my little pony,Мой маленький пони фэндомы Big Apple Pony Applejack,Эпплджек mane 6 Rarity,Рэрити

trevorrain said: Rarity, who so nice to Applejack? ••• ^ m2pt5 said: Has Rarity made you any other colossal clothes? A gargantuan Gala gown, maybe? jaded-hearts-pony said: Have you thought of asking Rarity to make you some clothes as a joke? Anonymous said: Hello! If ordinary mare hoof si
m2pt5 said:
Well AJ, look at the bright side, apple bucking will be easier than ever... though you'll probably have to eat a comparably larger number of those apples as well
... ?

mlp art my little pony,Мой маленький пони фэндомы mlp gif Applejack,Эпплджек mane 6 mlp блоги Big Apple Pony

л m2pt5 said: Well AJ, look at the bright side, apple bucking will be easier than ever... though you'll probably have to eat a comparably larger number of those apples as well ... ?