ш » BIRTHDAY SCENARIO GAME: PONY STYLE! Ovoos«/ tjonV (ЛоЛ-Й\ ЛЛД Лл4</ op Íolf-Uh +0 gí/P jjon/ SCAAAVÍol Jonuory- (forever) tied to Februory- Suuitched bpdies uuith (Dorch- married to April- Started o business uuith moy- Started o qonq uuith Au^ust- Went bo the moon «uith June- Create battle clones of SePtember- Bonished to mQ9ic “nderqarten with October- Stole the Elements of Harmony uuith flovember- Become your crime fightinq sidekick December- Destroyed Equestrio uuith July- Violated I- Lyra 2“ Twilight SparKle 3" Princess Celestia 4" berpy Hooves 5” Rainbow Dash 6- Mayor Mare 7- bJ P0N3 8- biscord 9- parity 10- Soarin II- Big Macintosh 12“ Fluttershy 13- ApplejacK 14- Granny SMith 15- Cheerilee 16“ Carrot Top 17- Apple bloow 18- Scootaloo 19- Sweetie Bell 20- Princess Luna 21“ biawond Tiara 22“ Octavia 23" Bonbon 24" NiteMare Moon 25- PinKie Pie 26- Zecora 27" Spine 28- Braeburn 29- Berry Punch 30- Gilda 31“ br Whooves
my little pony,Мой маленький пони,mlp песочница,фэндомы,mlp birthday game,my little pony,fandoms,mlp sandbox,mlp birthday game
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Ммм... я лира!?
Не то,что предыдущий, про дни рождения.
Мой "cricme sidekick" меня не подведёт.
Эплджек, элемента гармонии - честности, старший брат.