'Wave Hello' (Original) by Feather,Music,,Send to EqD if you like it! :DDD I am soooo sloooow with collabs right now.. I have a few hard ones that I'm trying to get through @_@ I did finish some though, so I decided to release something of my own. I still have so much art to do... O,O' I must get on that... Oh yes, the song.. Yes.. Well.. It's a Luna song.. Again.. LOL I love Luna.. :P __________________________________ ART by Feather 'Music in the Treetops (Extended Version feat. Mysterious Bronie)' Album Art: http://feather-ponyart.deviantart.com/art/Wave-Hello-Album-Art-436702177 DeviantArt: http://feather-ponyart.deviantart.com/ __________________________________ DOWNLOAD This track is only $1! To pay back my parents ^,^' Bandcamp: https://feather-ponyartist.bandcamp.com/track/wave-hello-original __________________________________ LYRICS by Feather ~in video~
my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp музыка,Feather,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,my little pony,fandoms,,Feather,Princess Luna,mlp royal
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