Это спойлер финала 4 сезона или чья-то фанатская работа?
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 4 Finale 'Twilight's Kingdom' Announcement Trailer,Film,,'A darkness is coming... the chest will open... a kingdom will rise.' Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1: Long ago, a dark shadow fell over the land of Dream Valley, and a mysterious chest was left dormant within the Tree of Harmony. Princess Celestia chooses Discord over Princess Twilight to help track down a villain. Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2: The keys of friendship have being gathered, the mysterious chest is opened, and darkness falls over Equestria. All the princesses imbue all their power into Princess Twilight in hopes of saving Equestria from the "biggest" threat ever known. Saturday 10th May 10am ET / 7am PT Twitter: #sixkeys #whatsinthechest #MLPseason4 ==== | Transcript | Walkthrough of Video | ???: "It has begun..." Applejack: "When Nightmare Moon was banished, not every last bit of her dark magic went with her..." Celestia: "It seems an old foe, has returned." Nightmare Moon's apparition: "You've done this to them Luna, and they will never forgive you." Nightmare Moon's apparition: "Remember those nightmare forces you all destroyed, well guess what?" Rainbow Dash: "You're the pony of shadows." ???: "This is going to be fun." Discord: "A rainbow of light?" Twilight: "My dearest Twilight, well it would be perfectly lovely to have you in Canterlot once more. I have another option in mind much closer to Ponyville." Nightmare Moon's apparition: "Soon Celestia, very soon..." Celestia: "ENOUGH!" Twilight: "Wouldn't you agree, Discord?" [Discord Laughing] Luna: "Six locks, six keys." Celestia: "I do not know where they are, but I do know it is a mystery you will not be solving alone." Celestia: "We have managed to discover the only means by which we can free the citizens of Equestria." Twilight: "What's inside it?" Discord: "The only thing that might help." Celestia: "We combine our powers!" Twilight: "Something's happened to the tree of Harmony." Celestia: "The spell has being broken!" Discord: "The rainbow of light!" Nightmare Moon's apparition: "Now that I'm free... nothing you can do can stop me." ==== | Music | Two Steps From Hell - Am I Not Human? Audiomachine - Lords of Lankhmar ==== This video was made for fun, to fuel excitement and not to fool anyone. This trailer is fanmade. It represents what ''could'' happen, not what ''will'' happen as its contents were released before the Season 4 finale was broadcast. --- My Little Pony ©Hasbro, the HUB and all related subsequent stakeholders.
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