You're Only Second Rate (animatic),People,,3500+++ Sub Special :DDDDDD It's not the Count of Monte Cristo. It's better. Soooooo the next animatic from Monte Cristo was taking longer than we thought it would and after watching a certain season finale we just couldn't help ourselves. Plus we reached our 3500+ milestone while working on it and thought we'd just make it a sub special :D If you're wondering why Tirek can do magic that he obviously shouldn't be able to do (like pull a bunny out of Discord's ear), then all I can really tell you is that it is more entertaining visually if he can. So let's pretend he's been secretly taking some of Discord's chaos magic over the time they've been working together.... (which I'm not even sure works either but oh well). THIS IS THE FINISHED PRODUCT. But if you wish to animate this yourself then go right ahead. Just remember to credit us and tell us when you're done, we'd love to see it. We do not own the song or MLP FIM, they go to their respective owners You're Only Second Rate from Aladdin, The Return of Jarfar, Disney. Discord and Tirek from MLP FIM Illustrated by Silhouette and edited by GhostQuill
my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp видео,mlp video,my little pony,fandoms,
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