Аннотация от автора: Pencil sketch inked with a brush pen and colored with Prisma and Copic markers on Bristol. I originally drew this with an obvious nod to the meme, but then I decided, what the hell, I’ll go all in.
Berry Punch shows Cork Dork what it means to be an oenophile. Dear Princess Celestia, today I met the most amazing pony…
BTW although it will probably be another week before I can update it further (or plan to promote it), I might as well mention that I’m starting up a Cork Dork tumblr: askcorkdork.tumblr.com/ It will feature art and some discussions/recommendations for wine, etc.
SPQR встаёт в пафосную позу, расправляет плечи и говорит, набрав воздуха в грудь:
- Для того и делаю аннотации: "реакторъ познавательный"! - тут он выдыхает воздух и, ссутулившись, угрюмо продолжает: - Ааа... кого я обманываю!? Мне просто нравится гадить в комментариях к постам...
Pencil sketch inked with a brush pen and colored with Prisma and Copic markers on Bristol. I originally drew this with an obvious nod to the meme, but then I decided, what the hell, I’ll go all in.
Berry Punch shows Cork Dork what it means to be an oenophile. Dear Princess Celestia, today I met the most amazing pony…
BTW although it will probably be another week before I can update it further (or plan to promote it), I might as well mention that I’m starting up a Cork Dork tumblr: askcorkdork.tumblr.com/ It will feature art and some discussions/recommendations for wine, etc.
- Для того и делаю аннотации: "реакторъ познавательный"! - тут он выдыхает воздух и, ссутулившись, угрюмо продолжает: - Ааа... кого я обманываю!? Мне просто нравится гадить в комментариях к постам...