Equestria Girls - This Strange World (Vencelian Remix),Music,,Twilight discovers new world with this remix :D
Download Link - https://soundcloud.com/vencelian/this-strange-world-vencelian
"Music of the day" achievment - http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/08/music-of-day-155.html :D
PrinceWhateverer - Pursuing Fortune,Music,,Comment, subscribe, ADOPT A KITTEN!!
All are equally wonderful things!! ;D
Okay, so this isn't pony related.. really... kinda.. shh!
It's a song about favourite not-horse-who-is-also-a-horse!! DREAMCHAN!
Evening Star - A Dying World,Music,,"What is hardest to accept about the passage of time is that the people who once mattered the most to us wind up in parentheses."
Download links:
Кошмарный сон Твайlight,Comedy,,Подпевайте понидевочкам!
Текст песни:
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