Spike (Спайк) :: Nightmare Moon :: Princess Luna (принцесса Луна) :: Twilight Sparkle (Твайлайт Спаркл) :: minor (второстепенные персонажи) :: mlp милитаризм :: mlp комикс :: royal :: mane 6 :: mlp art :: my little pony (Мой маленький пони) :: фэндомы

mlp art Twilight Sparkle mane 6 Princess Luna royal mlp комикс mlp милитаризм Nightmare Moon minor Spike ...my little pony фэндомы 

Hello, tfiss sparkle, Mhat faring you to fanterlot?
Princess Lunal I'm researching whether princesses are created as a matter of destiny and predetermination, or if its based on a more economic* principle like supply and demand*
As a Princess, it's a matter of figuring out my origin* Was f

VIthere are tie joins, Princess Luna?
To a гоом in Canterlot Library you ve never been to before.
-------1 LA I I'd
bio offense, Princess, but j
I find that hard to believe.
Was a statue to
It is co won practice for princesses, tfiss sparkle.
\ i’iif still not used to being treated

|r Welcome to my little alcove Twilight.
That porta!you 're stepping through L iVillgil/e us sonre privacy for me to ted you a story.

r Do notgettoo distracted, dear Twilight. Have sonre tea, make yourself comfortable.
de shall be here for a while.
Time does not^uite work, the same in this

фзй&<зэдз£а?з> (762s$,as?,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare

ФсяСтв.	4j{£
Шп^(&!кр№ев<фЗзОтШ‘ в^рваЩ/тш^ Штввсх&вО:) &&3в
*й> V
! <тт km(zй?tf$s nAw* <£(%? -* жзс* >аЩ. Qemrjs <ф«<й5 jfwe
/ «yi
йям® юКгй Ляг й«и$$ййе« <с&жйй*' > '; ■ ■ й^«гйЦу^«(^®!Й®й(в fw/«fe\. ’;
‘тт&в ®(? дй>вй«и? й&г <п**? fewsif ®ш <•,
'«Mi	I

Tsjhj ?
Tf^tr	-f^	ttff /
[7"this spt’n'<.ho<j(difcfi^inoTsh^flffiewUiTne^
kVx	фwflMNPll'4NMflHhvP'
Гг, ne'e
thpic- hun Jrf </,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane

'^ne^f^^giCMSi^^nd theirjintegration into]
'odems^	f,Zf7]
fi\mgicf: Levitation.
I’#14 neve£&rffingj [tt“tjwvf*scwi^ *ич\.
6risen ЫН
-Jf rent purpo '-• '.
-eUted test.
iM^po rjo и rJPri ncT-

thoughJtheJ>eeist*re M^rr^*n^b(e^fosQMMunurite\

writ's «((thisT{
[But kVe l/t nt u Г h«d to W Ojf'iJ*
X у ~ // /T7 /' 7\Wd II H I
to c«st 4 spe((j>efore$aL | fl ^TP
Ш <- омL i n^tiOr^^m ч_>-^	__) P------—
fci&ffileS/erSfflmwi' t> й^^^оьтлг^пгиг^шШ^ш.----------------fbS c^v
\	^ ^	\^ y
^ЙЙвк. w-	" 1
и: меапТЪПе#r4


Oooh^Nhqt, happened^
Wqsthe fte(d's integrity compromised? Whoit took the hrunt of the fo reel (?	Where the energy i
i f 4L	)	directedT
f4^,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp

t M«nt to
Where Jo Hook? Wh«t!ilth«tsbedlo? I
#/\\	\/>r±	. . O^rrTV
This horn isn t forking* ГyJish I h«l m<4 books*
v J(i Л/n) JV . nV V)\
(«<(«псе и/i(( knoti whatto~lo*
^he wusth«ve seen the explosion
l\((sof Eyuestri« wight h«[/e seenTt m!i1«(4 to*(«nteriot- / л
Its got to he(f>

#((}}he spe(t Wetter th«n
Cfet h«ck herei^N^t^ b«Ve two More k^wAu pet kiMonos to Model beforA
m *l^\wJ
nWe you <revnztrU\
Wn^eTs^to~s pi keT
What«hout one^o
_ ^МШ W’Te s one JuS* do<.nth, ro^d, 't p фЯвШ
:j—' jr£sis*:dШ S—W <fOJ «re totth t
ftTxtsfs^ \	)

* [j. j'j

zzl ™f/2
Ш/|	in\\\\^	
		L,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Spike,Спайк

^Tc^lTon^O-f 5. Лn'Jinji Jt-(,t itm. /
Jlr.tlc OMimnrQM,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные


ft i^T' ■^T 'r.ck~~<-\t ' l
•■. •:■■/«■' -у /i; i lorwbcr^HrloTnt/Д
WfJcJnC Uk f’Q: Щ

gjgW/|g,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight

У	чУ^шсЕе&7м?
Yfli/f Jt sttny.
11 о ■	г,’ У U#
' ‘-'^^^1 :^alI* «Р,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные


Tjjthyr\k.nohr\ .outc ом^

■ •
IHowJcari' l:te(u					
Whit*	fitch Л,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные


icjs^fi/fejp (
aits ixs/i(f<titm,.	A,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Spike,Спайк

^ШШЛге'^Ку wit th«rk thee^JiwiU^/tt <f>«rk.(e-
IШЫ УогЫ, м((с/щщё*
\	Х*Ц
(itt(e f>orvj.

FOftemm,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp

mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Spike,Спайк



•PtJOVi ?Ч± J0-/ и??*],mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Spike,Спайк

mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Spike,Спайк

Without мг^^п \,mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Spike,Спайк

Hello, tfiss sparkle, Mhat faring you to fanterlot? Princess Lunal I'm researching whether princesses are created as a matter of destiny and predetermination, or if its based on a more economic* principle like supply and demand* As a Princess, it's a matter of figuring out my origin* Was f always meant to he a princess T We can assure you, you earned it Well, that's Mhat Princess Celestia always says, but!can thelp bvtfeel there' s more to it I \ u Was f destined to share a special connection Mith my friendsT If f hadn't been sent to Pony vide, * / Mhere Mould I be noMT We always had these stars With my mark, * Mithoutthem Mho Mould I be noMT teallyr Is it that easy T ^о far all We been able to find is philosophical debate* Well, that and dtarsMirl's epic: "Ode to an Ant ” It’s surprisingly- _________; I may have a solution for you, dear TMilight* O-okay Princess
VIthere are tie joins, Princess Luna? To a гоом in Canterlot Library you ve never been to before. -------1 LA I I'd bio offense, Princess, but j I find that hard to believe. Was a statue to It is co won practice for princesses, tfiss sparkle. \ i’iif still not used to being treated Would this treatment be the reason for your current pursuit? I still haven't reached an Meaningful conclusions. are none. There is always a solution, Princess. Or two, or three, or thirteen. I understand whet you Mean, but I’d still (ike to try and figure this out. I have free Will or Will I always be a princess first? 1 That is a good question, and one that perhaps We shad answer together. We Must always endeavor to answer the difficult questions. Though, frOM tiMe to tiMe, it is good to I stop to appreciate the journey. w\W1aaaS^ I know, Princess, I know. 111 ^ f wJmfc idwfffc шhjwr--
|r Welcome to my little alcove Twilight. That porta!you 're stepping through L iVillgil/e us sonre privacy for me to ted you a story. r Do notgettoo distracted, dear Twilight. Have sonre tea, make yourself comfortable. de shall be here for a while. Time does not^uite work, the same in this space. Our story shall be done before the evening moon, though it may last many тоге^^^^л '(ou (l tell me the spell for this afterwardsT Of course. Щ|! ii 1Ш f 11ШШ ll Л Till л Д mm НТТЧ HT111ШГ111(1 fl kxm 1 htflfTY 41 1 ! M 1 l\ 1 иШт
E6jsaaKjpfep«<3R%> ^а&<айэ/Ы<з<&#>3л^ааЗКй^2? ейФтср&к ай&#азаз£|гьДэЙ яз^эдя.______•'_______ фзй&<зэдз£а?з> (762s$,as?
 ФсяСтв. 4j{£ Шп^(&!кр№ев<фЗзОтШ‘ в^рваЩ/тш^ Штввсх&вО:) &&3в *й> V ! <тт km(zй?tf$s nAw* <£(%? -* жзс* >аЩ. Qemrjs <ф«<й5 jfwe / «yi йям® юКгй Ляг й«и$$ййе« <с&жйй*' > '; ■ ■ й^«гйЦу^«(^®!Й®й(в fw/«fe\. ’; ‘тт&в ®(? дй>вй«и? й&г <п**? fewsif ®ш <•, '«Mi I /1 *# й^садаьфйй) ч 5W e&^tsC^tm&tSkCtm СЩ&Шянз&юв V л*
Шт Tsjhj ? Tf^tr -f^ ttff / [7"this spt’n'<.ho<j(difcfi^inoTsh^flffiewUiTne^ kVx фwflMNPll'4NMflHhvP' ^Wn(ock'the*se’cr^etiof*the*K4MiTtwo<Mtwb I ''X ^ЩШШ4ЯРУЬФ90ШЛ1 *ЦР^Ь*Й Гг, ne'e thpic- hun Jrf </
'^ne^f^^giCMSi^^nd theirjintegration into] 'odems^ f,Zf7] fi\mgicf: Levitation. (heckl I’#14 neve£&rffingj [tt“tjwvf*scwi^ *ич\. \fts[ti№ 6risen ЫН «d,* -Jf rent purpo '-• '. -eUted test. iM^po rjo и rJPri ncT- •UmwixInj'Ujetsjt thoughJtheJ>eeist*re M^rr^*n^b(e^fosQMMunurite\ Mu?hw!ik.e <pik.e with nork-%sft^*4iW£(e SuMMOrvJue U^i^t'kjnd* , /r~~\ ItJ&sjreen two hundred thirtteer^fe^^^inceltpezzunr jO die a, it i 4 pp e * re // ^Щ( i ere’er re'we goingi &Щоп\ Ponyfe«thers=± ■ >:ь <щрщ}) «& ^fejssasS (ki&izi © аярвлШг errmnjrrO «ей иашвть <чГгь (ЩЩРГ q;/JX£/p<&SiXb<t3-t ^ (4j£Ka30 (fe&EE© fi@33S // /Ji111 4 ж " (Ыбур^^&шшв % ' _ ^ ,f Л t
 writ's «((thisT{ [But kVe l/t nt u Г h«d to W Ojf'iJ* X у ~ // /T7 /' 7\Wd II H I to c«st 4 spe((j>efore$aL | fl ^TP i3$er ijjer Ш <- омL i n^tiOr^^m ч_>-^ __) P------— fci&ffileS/erSfflmwi' t> й^^^оьтлг^пгиг^шШ^ш.----------------fbS c^v \ ^ ^ \^ y ^ЙЙвк. w- " 1 и: меапТЪПе#r4 — -1L §§ 5^" ~ i r^r 53 x. ' , ' >^V 1 / ^ \ \ 1 j * w vh MR ; 9 F\ / ’ i tlJggj 1 ■” 1 .y^fiй*v?1t^■, a *J» 11 / ■ Д -^-^X 1 ~fi ;иЬч1, 1
Oooh^Nhqt, happened^ Wqsthe fte(d's integrity compromised? Whoit took the hrunt of the fo reel (? Where the energy i i f 4L ) directedT f4^
t M«nt to Where Jo Hook? Wh«t!ilth«tsbedlo? I #/\\ \/>r± . . O^rrTV This horn isn t forking* ГyJish I h«l m<4 books* v J(i Л/n) JV . nV V)\ («<(«псе и/i(( knoti whatto~lo* ^he wusth«ve seen the explosion l\((sof Eyuestri« wight h«[/e seenTt m!i1«(4 to*(«nteriot- / л Its got to he(f> T«gon, «(beit « b«by dr«gon, ke « (itt(e/wore th«n «jsf>e((( withhisown tire th«t^ent nuc(e«r to /4'____/ 4|Й&^ \ Г\ f 'do^tnif^«(^«7i^ge/^,\ \ Г i/re°Jr«gon <hi i to ry. s«ys ike, w«gic ye(the w«gU, wy horn c«nitbe cowpiete(y broken t«n Ltjight the («nte rh r\0\(e Vit«tiOnTT^////y te(ef>ort«tion is out/1
#((}}he spe(t Wetter th«n Cfet h«ck herei^N^t^ b«Ve two More k^wAu pet kiMonos to Model beforA m *l^\wJ soM-ешмШ nWe you <revnztrU\ Wn^eTs^to~s pi keT What«hout one^o Ance шом* _ ^МШ W’Te s one JuS* do<.nth, ro^d, 't p фЯвШ :j—' jr£sis*:dШ S—W <fOJ «re totth t ftTxtsfs^ \ ) frnd it^a^dJapddait d Mess too Whe^faheihAy а м d - to now T ~T Ftt The r t has njt«с>о и d*irvTfie sKyfabe*Mi^^m wot sun isni supposed to set 4et either. 1 *s \ | | ^ | | |
 * [j. j'j шдта zzl ™f/2 V- Ш/| in\\\\^ L
^Tc^lTon^O-f 5. Лn'Jinji Jt-(,t itm. / VL^o^rjTin^ssifei linVjooJYcnJitiOn. VW/J Jlr.tlc OMimnrQM
чтм\ ft i^T' ■^T 'r.ck~~<-\t ' l •■. •:■■/«■' -у /i; i lorwbcr^HrloTnt/Д WfJcJnC Uk f’Q: Щ УЛ"Дту./ж^Ш1 {th,n№M4-M«'iu£ uncwe'ss'eis/arf‘ Жшогттшкгтм?^Я^щ!1 4rur\[i4lrnM'Jo4^(itMtl :indltfle7S'etiszwor\s\ gjgW/|g
 У чУ^шсЕе&7м? е(сомг [(уЛ?ШУ/1?яжр^^ЯД Yfli/f Jt sttny. 11 о ■ г,’ У U# ' ‘-'^^^1 :^alI* «Р
 пЫяте Tjjthyr\k.nohr\ .outc ом^ ■ • -еяягЖа IHowJcari' l:te(u Whit* fitch Л
VeZtMttiOrf icjs^fi/fejp ( aits ixs/i(f<titm,. A
^ШШЛге'^Ку wit th«rk thee^JiwiU^/tt <f>«rk.(e- \s\Heereoj\s_. \t.^W<i^K^iiittwtiisi!^ht. IШЫ УогЫ, м((с/щщё* \ Х*Ц (itt(e f>orvj. iCTSI fsmfcst... FOftemm

аашш ^Ш'ОШМ^ЮШй^Щ шВШш&шшзшш •PtJOVi ?Ч± J0-/ и??*]

Vit<№0№R. Without мг^^п \
mlp art,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Twilight Sparkle,Твайлайт Спаркл,mane 6,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,mlp комикс,mlp милитаризм,Nightmare Moon,minor,второстепенные персонажи,Spike,Спайк
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ctrl+v не сломался?
Нет мне не в падлу было)
Phtoros Phtoros 03.01.201614:30 ответить ссылка 0.7
Первая битая? Или у меня лаги?
ЯННП. Зачем заливать без перевода?
lumen lumen 03.01.201622:53 ответить ссылка 0.2
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