Есть английские субтитры.
Paper Pony -Duel Magic- (Animation),Film & Animation,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkie Pie,Rainbow Dash,Trixie Lulamoon,Applejack,Paper mario the thousand year door,gameplay,Animation,ponies,ponys,MLP,My little pony,Parody,The battles on paper are an eternal classic, with ponies is better. It took almost a year, but it is finally ready, if you really like seeing this first issue, i may consider making another, only i will try try to delay it as much as this one Las batallas en el papel son un clásico eterno, con ponis es mejor. Demore casi un año, pero finalmente está listo, si les agrada mucho como quedo este primer ejemplar, consideria hacer otro, solo que evitare demorarme tanto como sea posible. -Fineprint-mlp: http://fineprint-mlp.deviantart.com/ -Portal Art: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEEmA787pd0wTOlAoDva9cA -Dezo: http://deaththeponyse.deviantart.com/ -Blayers C: https://soundcloud.com/mayers-mxc/ -Tex: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-48F2ShjrgnKywd6TOUM6g/featured -MD-Studios: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC81hySha_xX3PLaXMcyQhbg
my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Trixie,Трикси,minor,второстепенные персонажи,mane 6,mlp video
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