Proud to be a Brony (Fusion Remix),Film,,This song is dedicated to all of you Bronies who make me Proud to be part of this incredible fandom! An epic bro-hoof from me to you! /)
Download here:
Alternate download:
Crystal Ponies (Flaedr Remix),Music,,Oh god what.
OH, and thanks to Overkillius for help with some chords and stuff!
My Little Pony in The Sims - Episode 1 - the Hooves Family,Film,,It's just another normal day for the Hooves family... or is it? Take a peek into their daily life as they live through another of their daily grind, Sims style!
The game that eats a large portion of my childhood, the very first sims
We "Really Hate" Ponies,Comedy,,Just an ordinary day in the life of Bill and Steve, two rough men caught up in a world of ponies and bitter judgement.
A very special thanks to the good people at Coopers Gem Mine for letting us bother them for days on end while filming this video.
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