What is the meaning of this?! What happened to your horn?! Is that the pony of shadows?! What happened to Princess Luna?! Is that Discord?! Icee? Gee, Trixie, how come Starlight let you eat two peanut butter crackers? You know, this piece may or may not get copy righted.
Doodle-Mark,Stygian,minor,второстепенные персонажи,my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Trixie,Трикси,Starlight Glimmer,Tempest Shadow,Sunset Shimmer,Сансет Шиммер,Discord (mlp),Pony of Shadows,Princess Luna,принцесса Луна,royal,Chancellor Neighsay,mlp art,Doodle-Mark,Stygian,minor,my little pony,fandoms,Trixie,Starlight Glimmer,Tempest Shadow,Sunset Shimmer,Discord,Pony of Shadows,Princess Luna,mlp royal,Chancellor Neighsay,mlp art
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Посмотри: "Star vs. the Forces of Evil".