Speedpaint MLP - Scootaloo's Dream,Entertainment,,Just a personal picture I've been working on. It's supposed to set the mood of someone slipping/falling away from someone and even though you try your best (or feel like it) you won't be able to catch that person. Software used: Paint tool SAI. My DeviantArt: http://knifeh.deviantart.com Music: - I'll Fly Higher (Scootaloo's Theme) by AcousticBrony and MandoPony : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAdFoVKMyqg - Invisible by Michael Donner : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrw-coVoqYg Theme music for the picture by Carf - When Lightning Strikes : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/489352 Picture: http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/1624/scootscootaloo10.jpg Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo © Hasbro
my little pony,Мой маленький пони,mlp видео,mlp video,my little pony,fandoms,
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