Sketch of Rainbow Dash for 2008 MLP:FiM pitch bible. This was one of my favorite early sketches! I was happy to see it frequently used as clip art. Note her original cutie mark. I was asked to bring in some elements of the G3 Rainbow Dash's cutie mark for legal reasons I never quite understood.
Sketch of Rainbow Dash for 2008 MLP:FiM pitch bible. I originally wanted her to be a prankster for more than one episode, but the EI Consultant wasn't having it. Oh well.
This was the very first sketch of Gilda for the 2008 MLP:FiM pitch bible--- before she got her bad attitude. At that time, I didn't have her character worked out, I just had a section about magical creatures and drew a griffon for it. Once we want to script with grouchy Gilda, her original name was Grizelda, but it didn't pass legal.
Sketch of Pinkie Pie for 2008 MLP:FiM pitch bible. With Pinkie working at the Sugarcube Corner, I imagined she had waaaaaay too much access to sweets which would send her wings into hummingbird mode. You\'d probably want to stay out her way in this state.
Sketch of Pinkie Pie for 2008 MLP:FiM pitch bible. With wings, I had thought that Pinkie standard position would be upside down more often than not. It seems to me that she would think that was funny, and I liked the silly visual of her flying forward perpendicular to the ground.
Sketch of Pinkie Pie for 2008 MLP:FiM pitch bible. Though it's been revealed previously, some of you may not know I pitched Pinkie as a pegasus. I thought flying would really compliment her personality. Early on, I was seriously debating whether she or Fluttershy got the wings, so even though we didn't go with my decision, it wasn't hard to switch them right back.
Sketch of Pinkie Pie for 2008 MLP:FiM pitch bible. An early concept that Pinkie would randomly attack ponies with surprise parties. For whatever reason---- birthday, 1 month anniversary of last birthday, congrats on getting your mail, etc....
Sketch of Big McIntosh for 2008 MLP:FiM pitch bible. He didn't change so much, did he? His original name was simply Big Apple, but (shocker!) that didn't pass legal. Sweet Apple Acres was originally called Big Apple Orchard, the idea being that it was Big Apple, as the eldest, inherited the farm and was actually the one who owned it. Applejack just ran it. I like it better that they own it as a family, though.
Sketch of Rarity for 2008 MLP:FiM pitch bible. The original concept for her boutique was that it was a cross between a shop and a merry-go-round called Carousel Couture. Originally, Rarity specialized in carousel designs, but that little detail didn't make it. Plus, bridles seemed to weird everyone out, which is understandable.
This was my original concept for the Ursa Major. I was thinking about how you often find in nature that babies look nothing like their parents (warthogs, specifically) and thought that the more horrific the Major looked than the Minor would be funny. I was told that the difference was too extreme and it could be confusing. I still like this one better.
I don't usually draw this way, and I was rather pleased with how it came out, so I thought I'd share.
I don't usually draw this way, and I was rather pleased with how it came out, so I thought I'd share.