MLP Animation - Fog of War,Film,,Short animated film about two ponies that team up for sniper mission. My first animation project ever, enjoy! As a school assignment we were given a tragic story from greek mythology and we could adapt it any way we liked. However there were a couple of rules: - No dialog or text (meaning the characters can't speak) - Cartoon characters from existing shows were not allowed With these guidelines I came up with a story that is set in the Equestrian army and combines lots of elements from some of the best warmovies available. We had 10 weeks to make a short animated film; from storyboard to finished product. Stay tuned at: - http://dori-to.deviantart.com/ - http://dori-to.tumblr.com/
my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp видео,mlp video,mlp OC ,mlp милитаризм,my little pony,fandoms,,mlp OC,mlp military
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