Chart shows the number of fanficdons that writes any two characters in a relationship in at least one direction. Fan fictions counted are those that are tagged ‘Romance* on FIMFiction.net and ‘Shipping’ on Fquestria Daily. Please note that results arc not 100% accuratcd. Of the thousands of stories that have been submitted, only those that were tagged appropriately and had the pairing shown in the summary, tags or pictures were counted. Stories that were linked from Equcstria Daily to FIMFiction.nct were not counted, but duplicates may have been counted. This chart is meant to show how common different shippings are compared to each other, not if a pairing exists. Number of pairs arc shown by thickncs of lines. 60 Pairings Curved lines show pairings between the tiers. Straight lines show pairings within the tiers.
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