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Арты понравились в первую очередь за переделку Fallout'овских постеров, выбрал основные. Остальные работы автора тоже заслуживают внимания.
P.S. Арт "Sierre Maredre" уже выкладывался (в комментах), надеюсь annoy не будет против ^_^
(a knock on the chamber door) Luna- come in. Aurora- hello auntie. Luna- what are you doing here shouldn't you be in bed by now. Aurora- I know but I just wanted to ask you some thing before I sleep. Luna- go on. Aurora- can I see it one more time. Luna- my child are you not board of looking at it you have possibly seen it a hundred times already. Aurora- yeah but it makes me giggly every time I see it PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE. Luna- (sigh) very well. ( luna stands up, her horn starts to glow, a magic aura surrounds her stomach removing the illusion of a slim tummy revealing a 4 month baby bump) Aurora- SQEEEEEEEEE its so beautiful. Frenzy- you know luna I wish you wouldn't use your illusion magic to hide it. Luna- I know dear I don't want to ether but you know what canterlot ponies are like I just don't want them to fuse over me because im with child