"After Silence That Which Comes Nearest to Expressing the Inexpressible is Music."
"(Посвящается музыкоделам поняктора)"
"Inspirations by Antoine Dufour"
"After Silence That Which Comes Nearest to Expressing the Inexpressible is Music."
"(Посвящается музыкоделам поняктора)"
"Inspirations by Antoine Dufour"
"Philosophy Categories"
"(Happiness is not a Destination. It is a Method of Life.)"
"Blackmill - Spirit of Life"
"(Believe That Life is Worth Living, and Your Belief will Help Create the Fact.)"
"CMA - Dream Away"
"(No Man is Free Who is not Master of Himself)"
"SkyFlair - Your Own Way"
"(I Dream My Painting and I Paint My Dream.)"
"NExow - Symphonies"
"(A Friend is a Person with Whom I May Be Sincere. Before Him I May Think Aloud.)"
"A.N.O - Touch"
"Madza - Meaning of Life"