Я вот в коменты не полез, начал искать автора, а здесь всё проще. =)
Надеюсь верно. =)
Собственно, у нас уже была чб версия:
Вроде как нет, вот подпись к рисунку:
Anyone still here?

MLP ended forever ago but I've still got years worth of WIPs for this show. Figured might as well finish some and post them, right? At least the better ones.

My style might have changed a little, but never my affection for the OTP
И правда получилось. =)
И ещё там есть большое описание, с гиперссылками я не знаком, поэтому просто ссылки рядом со словами, на которые они закреплены, прикреплю, хотя попробую и их добавить:

Part 5 of the 'Save The World' series, celebrating everypony involved in the fight against Coronavirus. Part 1 — Save The World (https://derpibooru.org/images/2301989), Part 2 — Hope (https://derpibooru.org/images/2303794), Part 3 — Those Who Carry Us (https://derpibooru.org/images/2304521), Part 4 — Keep the Light (https://derpibooru.org/images/2305160)

This is the battle of a generation, a global war fought not with arms and armies, but with determined hearts and fierce compassion. Those of you fighting in this struggle for mankind, particularly those of you keeping the torch burning in such places as New York, California, London, Spain, Italy and China, you may not be soldiers or generals, but you're already heroes. If the weight of the world on your shoulders ever feels too much, remember to take a moment to look after yourself, and take courage in the magic of kindness, generosity, loyalty, honesty and laughter. Take comfort in the universal friendship of those fighting alongside you worldwide, and keep up the fight. Together we will get through this.

This piece celebrates the dedication of pharmacists, those fighting to maintain the lifeline of medication keeping the world alive.

This piece celebrates the work of public transport workers, whose tireless dedication keep the rest of the world moving in the battle against the virus.

This piece celebrates the service of the paramedics, the saviours on the very frontline of this pandemic.

This piece honours the generosity and selflessness of the volunteers and humanitarian workers, extraordinary people achieving extraordinary things in the darkest of hours.